Page 17 - p j 2018_Neat
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1st    2nd          3rd          DESCRIBTION
       C      S                         TEMPERATE          DRY SUMMER

              W                                            DRY WINTER

              F                                            WITHOUT DRY SEASON

                           A                                                             HOT SUMMER
                           B                                                             WARM SUMMER

                           C                                                             COLD SUMMER

                                                                                      ANIMAL ADAPTATION

                                                                                   Migration   and   hibernation   are   two
                                                                                   adaptations used by the animals in this biome.
                                                                                   While a wide variety of birds migrate, many of
      Another behavioral adaptation some animals have adopted is food storage. The nuts and seeds that are plentiful  the mammals hibernate during the cold winter
      during the summer are gathered by squirrels, chipmunks, and some jays, and are stored in the hollows of trees  months when food is in short supply.
      for use during the winter months. Cold temperatures help prevent the decomposition of the nuts and seeds.
                                                                                       PLANT ADAPTATION

                                                                                    Unlike  tropical  forests,  temperate  forests
                                                                                    have  just  two  layers  of  vegetation.  The
                                                                                    tallest  trees  have  their  foliage  generally
                                                                                    about  15-30  m  above  ground  and  a  layer  of
      During  the  spring  growth,  i.e.  when  the  tree  foliage  has  not  completely  formed  yet,  there  is  plenty  of  light  shrubs  and  smaller  trees  underneath,  at
      reaching the ground and this makes plants grow on the ground. This is why many of the species that live on the  approximately  5-10  m.  This  is  why  the  soil
      ground grow, flower and bear fruits before late summer. Later on, sciophilus plants, i.e. plants that like shade,  receives  more  light  than  in  tropical  forests
      start to grow. These plants have extremely efficient mechanisms to capture and use low-intensity light and are  and  the  undergrowth  is  luxuriant:  ferns,
      able therefore to survive even when the foliage completely covers the soil underneath. The main trees living in  mosses  and  lichens,  especially  in  very  rainy
      this biome are: beeches, sycamores, oaks, aspens, walnut trees, lime trees, chestnut trees, birches, elms and in  areas.
      America tulip trees.

                                                                                  TEMPERATE ANIMAL & PLANT ADAPTATION
                                                                  PAGE 07

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