Page 19 - p j 2018_Neat
P. 19
At the most basic level, there are only two NATURAL HABITAT
types of nest building: sculpting and
assembly. Sculpting is the process of
removing material to achieve a desired
outcome. Most commonly this entails Nest building is often driven by a biological urge
burrowing into the ground or plant matter in pregnant animals to protect one's offspring
to create a nesting site. Assembly entails known as the nesting instinct. Animals build
gathering, transporting, and arranging nests to protect their eggs, their offspring, or
themselves from danger. The simplest nests
materials to create a novel structure.
Transportation has the greatest time and are designed to hide eggs from predators,
energy cost so animals are usually adapted shield them from the sun or other
to build with materials available in their environmental factors, or simply keep them
immediate environment. Versatility in use of from being scattered in ocean currents. In
some cases, nests also help provide safety in
construction material may be an adaptive
advantage (less energy used to gather numbers for egg-laying animals.
EAGLE NELj WOVEN BRANCHES materials) or a disadvantage (less ability to Many nest builders provide parental care to
specialize construction). The available their young, while others simply lay their eggs
evidence suggests that natural selection
more often favors specialization over and leave. Brooding (incubating eggs by sitting
flexibility in nest construction. on them) is common among birds. In general, nest
complexity increases in relation to the level of
Nest architecture may be as useful for parental care provided. Nest building reinforces
distinguishing species as the animals' physical social behavior, allowing for larger populations in
appearance. Species identified through such small spaces to the point of increasing the
means are called ethospecies. This is carrying capacity of an environment. Insects
especially common in wasps and termites, that exhibit the most complex nest building also
but also can apply to birds. In most animals, exhibit the greatest social structure. Among
there is some variation in nest construction mammals, the naked mole-rat displays a caste
between individuals. Whether these structure similar to the social insects while
differences are driven by genetics or building extensive burrows that house hundreds
learned behavior is unknown. of individuals.
Cameron Highlands, Nairobi, Kenya
Straw-bale construction is a building method that uses bales of straw (commonly wheat, rice, rye and oats straw) as structural elements, building insulation, or both.
This construction method is commonly used in natural building or "brown" construction projects. Research has shown that straw-bale construction is a sustainable
method for building, from the standpoint of both materials and energy needed for heating and cooling. Advantages of straw-bale construction over conventional
building systems include the renewable nature of straw, cost, easy availability, naturally fire-retardant and high insulation value. Disadvantages include susceptibility
to rot, difficulty of obtaining insurance coverage, and high space requirements for the straw itself.
Temperate regions have the majority of the
world's population, which leads to large cities.
There are a couple factors why the climate of
large city landscapes differs from the climate
of rural areas. One factor is the strength of
the absorption rate of builds and asphalt,
which is higher than natural land. The other
large factor is the burning of fossil fuels from
buildings and vehicles. These factors have led
to the average climate of cities to be warmer
than surrounding areas.