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1st    2nd          3rd          DESCRIBTION
       B      W                         ARID              DESERT

              S                                            EPPE

                           H                                                                HOT

                           K                                                                COLD
                           N                                                                MILD

                                                                                      ANIMAL ADAPTATION

                                                                                    High  temperatures  are  really  only  present
                                                                                    during the day when the sun is high in the sky.
                                                                                    Therefore,  it  may  be  in  an  animal's  best
                                                                                    interest to adjust the time it is active around
      Other animals have physical adaptations that allow the body to dissipate more body heat. For example, long  the  placement  of  the  sun.  Many  organisms
      limbs and larger ears (like with a desert hare) provide more surface area for heat to radiate from the body.  are  either  nocturnal,  meaning  they're  only
      Other animals, like the camel, store fat in one particular area (such as their hump), providing surface area to  active  at  night,  or  crepuscular,  meaning
      dissipate heat. Many animals are also light in color. This has two advantages: first, the pale color helps them  they're  only  active  at  dawn  and  dusk.  This
      blend in with the desert's surroundings to camouflage them from predators; and second, it prevents them  strategy  prevents  the  animals  from  being
      from absorbing heat from the sun in the way an animal with dark skin or fur would.  active during the warmest part of the day.
                                                                                       PLANT ADAPTATION

                                                                                    Most  desert  plant  species  are  called
                                                                                    xerophytes  because  they  have  in  some  way
                                                                                    changed their  physical  structure to  tolerate
                                                                                    extremely  hot  and  dry  conditions.  The
                                                                                    morphological,  physiological,  and  behavioral
      Desert  plant  species  are  generally  classified  as  drought-escaping  plants,  drought-evading  plants,  drought-  adaptations that desert plants have formed
      enduring plants, or drought-resisting plants. Each of these classifications consists of unique adaptions that  over  time  enable  them  to  survive  the  harsh
      allow these plant species to survive and, in some cases, thrive in desert ecosystems. Of course droughts aren't  conditions common in arid environments.
      the  only  issue  facing  desert  plant  species:  constant  heat  stress,  and  poor  soil  quality  create  additional
      challenges for desert plant communities.

                                                                                  ARID ANIMAL & PLANT ADAPTATION
                                                                  PAGE 13

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