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Our mission at James Herrman — THE James is the agent on the phone, at a
LOCAL REALTOR© is to play a very property, doing his research, pulling
meaningful role in the real estate in- together all available sources to make
dustry in North Texas. To envision our sure he knows everything he needs to
goal at James Herrman — THE LOCAL know to pass his exper+se on to his
REALTOR© think of the “Gold Stand- client. His engaging demeanor
ard” of real estate. Providing absolute- makes him a favorite among clients
ly the most innova+ve and effec+ve and an agent sought out by other
marke+ng of real estate and unparal- agents. James is also a tech savvy
leled personalized service. These ser- Realtor with a wide-ranging online
vices for North Texas buyers and presence. He’s tracking down leads,
sellers are provided via the best train- marke+ng proper+es, and making sure
ing and coaching in the industry — he finds every hidden gem available
based on the highest performance for his clients.
standards of any firm in the market.
As a full-+me, full-service Realtor with
Our unique and common goal is to
30+ years of fast-track experience in
regularly and consistently exceed
diverse business environments,
our customers and clients expecta-
James’s local exper+se as a North Tex-
+ons by never losing sight of the fact
as real estate agent gives him a well-
that as true fiduciaries who tell the
rounded background that will benefit
truth — regardless of the outcome —
you whether you are a first +me home
that is our honesty, loyalty, integrity,
buyer, a seasoned home veteran, in-
understanding, accountability, and
vestor or a returning client.
crea+vity which sets us apart in the
North Texas residen+al real estate
2 James Herrman THE LOCAL REALTOR© Prelisng Packet