Page 6 - JamesHerrman_Prelisting Package
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                                      LISTING PLAN OF ACTION cont.

           Pool of Buyers                                        Showings and Feedback

           Buyers who sign up at our website can get informaon   We are a member of Centralized Showing Services. We
           daily  on  new  lisngs,  like  yours,  that  fit  their  require-  will show you the most      effecve strategies for show-

           ments.                                                ings based in your needs and schedule. Regarding     ob-
           Open Houses—Open 24 Hours A Day/7                     taining feedback, we ask specific    quesons in our sur-
           Days a Week                                           vey  emailed  to  all  showing  agents;  about  our  price,
                                                                 condion of the home, and most          importantly, is
           We feature your home on the Internet 24 hours a day/7   the buyer going to make an offer? You will also receive a
           days  a  week!  Plus  I  perform  tradional  open  houses!   weekly report emailed to you indicang all the feedback
           You cannot capture the feeling and the soul of a home   received.
           with purely digital experiences.

           Web Presence—Widespread Internet Ex-
           posure With Key Local Focus                           If  In  addion  to  giving  you  feedback  on  showings,  we
                                                                 send  you  other  informave  markeng  reports  weekly.
           James  Herrman  -  THE  LOCAL  REALTOR©  provides  ex-  We also update you on your compeon: new lisngs,
           tensive web presence and exposure for clients looking   price reducons and homes that have gone under con-
                                                                 tract. Remember, we have a communicaon guarantee.
           to sell their homes.
           Why is this important? 90% of buyers begin their search
           on the Internet, and 35% of home buyers find the home
           they purchase on the Internet themselves.

           90%  of  consumers  use  the  Internet  to  search  for  a
           home, not newspapers. All of our lisngs are adversed
           on  the  Internet,  through  hundreds  of  web  sites  and
           search engines.
           Bo1om Line: Our lisngs have more traffic due to the
           number of photographs and virtual tours!

                                       6     James Herrman THE LOCAL REALTOR© Prelisng Packet
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