Page 8 - JamesHerrman_Prelisting Package
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4. We have a friend in the business (from 6. You haven’t sold homes in our neigh-
church, kids soccer, etc.) We definitely hear bourhood (area)?
this on occasion...almost everyone we know does. The
We occasionally hear this... mostly from seller’s who
key queson here is very simple. Do you need to abso- are unaware that with the advent of the Internet and
lutely sell your property, or are you looking to do your
broad based online markeng of property, old fash-
friend a favor?
ioned agents who only work a small neighborhood are a
relic and almost non-existent.
5. Another Agent said they could get me
7. The other agent said he/she would...
more money. We hear this almost every week.
Usually, from an inexperienced agent with very limited This “catch all” item usually is the result of an agent not
transaconal experience (see #4 above). Unfortunately, having the courage to tell a seller the truth about why
these agents are more excited about the prospect of something does not work.
taking a lisng then worrying about ge+ng it sold. We usually see sellers universally being disappoint-
Most are afraid to tell the truth and risk upse+ng ed when they discover the truth. Sellers also generally
realize that these same agents are very poor at jusfy-
the seller, the rest are unable to figure out the right
price for the property due to a lack of experience and ing or defending the price of the home for the seller…
experse and they are desperate to get a sign in the again they lack the courage to have a direct truthful
yard so that they can a-ract buyers to work with. The conversaon with buyers or buyers agents.
typical training plan for a tradional old fashioned real
estate office is to take lisngs — regardless of price —
then work on wearing the sellers out unl they agree to
lower the price. It’s a shame as this pracce is the #1
reason that lisngs expire a3er being rejected by the
market and never sell… leaving an extremely unhappy
seller behind.
8 James Herrman THE LOCAL REALTOR© Prelisng Packet