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May, 2019   The Antique Shoppe  Page 23
        Massive Collection of Robert E.      stamp  on  verso,  and  is  inscribed   Hopkins is a surgeon from Mississippi   photography  and  a  meticulous
        Lee Photos Offered in Heritage       “White & Kelley.”                    who  has  been  a  lifelong  student  of   account of how many of the images
        Auctions’ May 4-5 Americana &          Robert  E.  Lee:  Large  Mounted   the Civil  War and  Southern History.   were  made.  His  book  marked  the
        Political Auction                    Albumen  of  Lee  on  “Traveller”    During  his  research  while  preparing   first  time  many  of  the  photos  were
          DALLAS,  TX- One of the most       was  taken  during  the  summer  of   to  write  Robert  E.  Lee  in  War  and   published anywhere.
                                                                                                                         Heritage  Auctions  is  the  largest
                                                                                  Peace:  The  Photographic  History  of
                                             1866  by  A.H.  Plecker,  assisted  by
        comprehensive collections of Robert   Michael  Miley,  at  Rockbridge  Baths   a  Confederate  and  American  Icon,   fine art and collectibles auction house
        E. Lee photographs – many of which   near  Lexington,  Virginia.  The  image   Hopkins  acquired  a  copy  of  every   founded in the United States.
        are  signed  by  Lee  –  will  be  offered   includes a blind stamp of M. Miley in   photo of Lee (61 at the time) known   For  breaking  stories,  follow  us:
        in  Heritage  Auctions’  Americana  &   the lower left corner.            to exist. In the book, he paired those   and
        Political Auction May 4-5 in Dallas.   Robert E. Lee: Boldly Signed Brady   with a detailed recounting of Lee’s life   Twitter.  Link  to  this  release  or  view
          “Dr.  Hopkins’  collection  of  Robert   Carte-de-Visite taken in Washington,   and an in-depth discussion of antique   prior press releases.
        E.  Lee  photographs  is  extremely   D.C. in 1866 by Mathew Brady when
        impressive  and thorough,” Heritage   Lee was attending a Senate hearing.
        Auctions  Americana  Director  Tom   The offered image is one of at least                 FANNING SPRINGS
        Slater said.  “With  more than  100   nine  known  variant  views  taken
        lots, some of which contain multiple   during  the  sitting  in  Brady’s  studio.   “explore the difference”
        images, there are opportunities in this   The image is signed “R E Lee” at the
        sale to own images that range from   bottom.                                 Point of View
        the  most  well-known  and  popular    Other top lots include, but are not
        to some exceedingly rare images, as   limited to:                                   Antiques
        well.”                                 Robert  E.  Lee:  Autograph  Letter
          Among the top lots in Dr. Hopkins’   Signed Dated 1853                     17452 US  Hwy 19 N
        collection:                            Robert E. Lee: Boldly Signed Carte-
          Robert E. Lee: Mammoth Mathew      de-Visite  of  Lee  as  President  of      Fanning Springs    
        Brady Photograph is a double-matted   Washington College                         (352) 463-0718                    10-5 Monday-Saturday
        and framed photo showing a full view   Robert E. Lee: White Sulphur Springs                                        Now Open Sunday 11-4
        of Lee seated next to a table topped   Group Photograph                         collectibles, wood carvings, jewelry, gifts and more
        with  an  elaborate  clock.  This  is  not   Robert E. Lee and Joseph Johnston:
        the  same  pose  as the  commonly    “Inkwell” Carte-de-Visite                            –DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE–                          33
        seen “clock portrait” because of the
        position  of  Lee’s  elbow  in  relation
        to the clock on the table, and other                            WILLISTON - REDDICK -
          Robert  E.  Lee:  Full  Standing                                           Williston’s Newest Antique Store   • ANTIQUE •
        “Blockade  Portrait”  Carte-de-Visite                                      Back Door Antiques
        by Vannerson & Jones is a post-war                                                                                    EMPORIUM
        printing of the 1864 studio portrait by                                    36 E. Noble Ave. · Williston
        Vannerson, one of two taken for use                                       Antiques-Furniture-Books-Collectibles & More
        by  19th-century  artist  E.V.  Valentine                                                                                   17990 NW 77  Ave
        as models for his sculpture.           Dixie’s Antiques Mall                                                                Reddick, FL 32686
          Robert E. Lee: Unpublished, Boldly                                                                                          352-591-1221
        Signed  Carte-de-Visite  is  a  vignette   Antiques, Collectibles & Gifts     OPEN
        bust of Lee, taken during fall and/or        112 W. Noble Ave.              Tue-Sat 10-4
        winter of 1865-66 by Isaac N. White          Williston, FL 32696                          Parking                        - OPEN DAILY 10-6 -
        and  Joseph  Kelley,  who  took  one           (352) 528-2338                             at rear                          I-75 at Exit 368
        outdoor  view  of  Lee  atop  Traveller,   Over 8,000 sq. ft. of Air Conditioned Comfort  of Store
        Lee’s most famous horse during the     with 75+ “FILLED TO THE RAFTERS” booths                                   info@antiqueemporiumfl.comm 36
        American Civil  War,  and two indoor           Rental Booths Available                                 35
        shots.  It  has  a  canceled  two-cent        Open 10-5 Mon-Sat     34  ·  352-528-0769  ANTIQUEEMPORIUMFL.COM


                                                                                       Heritage Antiques                Twisted Sisters!

             DIGGERS ANTIQUE MALL                                                               aka                       Furniture & More
               1811 N. PINE AVE.                                                     the Old Wander Inn                 Vintage Finds & Home Decor
                OCALA, FL 34475                                                            103 NW Hwy. 19                904 S US 41, Inverness FL
                   352-629-5250                                                           Historic Downtown                   352-302-8046
                 Open 7 Days a Week             MOSSY OAKS ANTIQUE MALL                 Crystal River, FL 34428        •Antique Furniture
              Mon-Sat 10am-5:30pm • Sun 12-5pm   8,000 Sq. Ft.        30+ Dealers        Mon-Sat 10:30-5               •Reclaimed Lumber  Mid Century
                                                  6260 SE 118th Place                         Open Daily               •Lighting           Modern to
                 6/10 mi. S. of Belleview on Hwy 301  Clock Repair • Post Cards                        Farm House
                                                     Belleview, FL 34420                 Antiques • Collectibles       •Architectural Salvage
             WE BUY AND SELL ESTATES                    352-307-0090                     Handpainted Furniture         •Old Doors, Iron Doors & Gates
                CLOCK REPAIR ON SITE                Offering a Dazzling Variety of        Mid Century Modern           •Original Artwork & lots more!
                                                   Antique & Vintage Merchandise
                                                  Professional Furniture Restoration Available  •We paint & re-purpose Vintage Furniture
                                       38          Check out our albums on Facebook  40                        41        Tue-Fri 10:30-5:30, Sat 10:30-3:30  42
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