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•  Margin Requirements : It is used by RBI to        or sell an invention for a particular number of
                 determine the loan value of a collateral security   years.
                 offered  by a borrower. It is used to control     •  Perishable  goods : They  are a type  of good
                 speculative activities.                           especially food products with limited shelf life.

              •  Merchant Banks : Merchant banks in India       •  Point  of  satiety  :  Point  of  satiety  is  defined
                 manage and underwrite  new issues, advise         as “the point where marginal utility  of any
                 corporate  clients  on fund raising and other     commodity is zero.”
                 financial aspects.
                                                                •  Potential supply : Stock is the basis of supply.
              •  Mixed income :   Remuneration of a self           It  constitutes  the  potential  or  total  supply  of
                 employed  person is treated  as mixed  income.    a commodity that can be offered for sale at a
                 It is defined as the income that is received,     favourable time.
                 over a given reference period, by individuals,     •  Prestige goods : They are high end or luxury
                 for  themselves  or in  respect  of  their  family   goods that increases the status of the consumers
                 members, as a result of their current or former   who own or use them e.g. jewellery, luxury cars
                 involvement in self employment jobs.
              •  Moral Suasion : It is a psychological instrument     •  Price discrimination : It is the act of of selling
                 of credit control which is used by RBI to         the same product at different prices to different
                 persuade commercial banks to co-operate with      buyers, in order to maximize sales and profits.
                 it in following a proper credit  policy more
                 rigorously.                                    •  Price illusion : It is also called money illusion.
                                                                   It refers to the tendency of consumers to think
              •  Mutual Funds  : Mutual funds mobilize  the        in terms of nominal rather than real monetary
                 savings of the general public and invest them in   values when making economic decisions. It is
                 stock market securities.
                                                                   likely to occur when inflation is unanticipated.
              •  National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) :     •  Price quotations : Price quotation is a document
                 It is an electronic fund transfer process, through   (generally  written)  which  a seller  provides  to
                 which money can be sent from one bank             the buyer for offering goods and services at a
                 account to another within the country in a safe   stated price,  subject  to terms and conditions
                 and hassle free manner.
                                                                   specified therein.
              •  Oceanic trade : It refers to expansion of trade     •  Principle of rationality : It  is an economic
                 network of coastal countries beyond their land    principle that assumes that individuals always
                                                                   make prudent and logical decisions that provide
              •  Open market operations :  Open market             them  with  the  highest  amount  of  personal
                 operations is the  sale and purchase of           utility.  These  decisions  provide  people  with
                 government securities and treasury bills by       the greatest benefit or satisfaction, given the
                 RBI or the central bank of the country. It is     choices available.
                 undertaken to regulate the money supply in the     •  Public  utilities  : Public  utilities  are  services
                 economy.                                          provided by the government or state, such as
              •  Optimum allocation : It refers to the allocation   the  supply  of  electricity  and  gas, or  the  train
                 of resources in the best possible manner to       network.
                 achieve economic efficiency. It prevents misuse     •  Quid pro quo : Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase
                 and avoids wastage of resources.                  which means a gift or a advantage that is given

              •  Paradox of values : It is an observation that     to someone in return for something that they
                 articles or goods critical to life (such as water)   have done.
                 are very cheap, whereas others which have no     •  Rational consumer : A consumer who makes
                 bearing on human existence (such as diamonds)     his choices  after  considering all  the  other
                 are very expensive.                               alternative goods and services available in the
              •  Patents : It is an official legal right to make   market is called a rational consumer.
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