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•  Disparities in income : It refers to a significant   data from the past and present and analysis of
                 disparity or inequality  in the distribution      trends.
                 of income  between  individuals, groups,       •  General  price  level  : It is an index that
                 populations, social classes or countries.         measures the change  in price  of goods in an

              •  Division of labour : It means separation of a     economy over time and hence the purchasing
                 work process into a number of tasks, with each    power of the currency of the country.
                 task performed by a separate person or group of     •  Illegal incomes : Income derived from illegal
                 persons.                                          activities  such as bookie/betting  operations,
              •  Double counting  : It occurs when the costs       theft,  embezzlement  and from other  illegal
                 of  intermediate  goods used  by a  business to   resources.
                 produce  a finished good are included  in the     •  Imputed value : Imputed value is an assumed
                 computation  of a nation's gross domestic         value given to an item when the actual value is
                 product.                                          not known or available.
              •  Economic  efficiency  :  Economic  efficiency     •  Impact of tax : Effect of a tax on production or
                 is achieved  when all  goods and factors of       consumption of a product.
                 production in an economy are distributed or     •  Incidence of tax:  The  incidence  of a tax
                 allocated to their most valuable uses and waste   refers to the extent  to which an individual
                 is eliminated or minimized.                       or organisation suffers from the imposition of
              •  Economic model : It is a simplified               a tax.
                 representation of economic reality showing the     •  Income tax returns : A tax return is
                 inter-relationships  between  selected  economic   documentation filed with a taxing authority that
                 variables.                                        reports  income, expenses and other  relevant
              •  Economic variable : It refers to any              financial information.
                 measurement  that  helps  to  determine  how     •  Indivisible goods : A good is indivisible when
                 an economy  functions. Population,  poverty,      the utility one derives from it depends on the
                 unemployment,  inflation  etc.  are  examples  of   number  of users or individuals using it.  This
                 economic variables.                               concept is used in public finance.
              •  Economic welfare : It is the overall level     •  Intermediate goods : An intermediate good is
                 of financial satisfaction and prosperity          a good or service purchased by a manufacturer
                 experienced  by participants in an economic       to be used as an input in another product.
                 system.                                        •  Laissez-faire  :  It  is  a  policy  of  minimum
              •  Effective   demand     :   In   Keynesian         governmental  interference  in  the  economic
                 macroeconomic theory, effective demand is the     affairs of individuals and society.
                 point of equilibrium where aggregate demand =     •  Leasing Companies : They provide finance for
                 aggregate supply.                                 acquiring plant and  machinery especially for
              •  Engineering goods : Engineering  goods            small and medium sized enterprises.
                 include metal products, industrial machinery     •  Liquidity Adjustment facility (LAF) : It is a
                 and equipment, auto and its components  and       monetary policy tool used by RBI which allows
                 transport equipments.                             commercial  banks to borrow money through

              •  Financial proposal : A financial proposal is a    repurchase agreements. It consists of Repo and
                 written report that provides details of the future   Reverse Repo operations.
                 of a business by addressing its monetary needs     •  Marginalism : Marginalism is concerned with
                 and budget.                                       how much extra use is gained from incremental
              •  Forecasting : It is a planning tool that helps    increases in the number of goods created, sold,
                 management  in its attempts  to cope with the     etc. and how these measures relate to consumer
                 uncertainty  of the future, relying mainly on     choice and demand.
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