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              •  Advertising : Business of persuading people to     •  Composition of foreign trade : Composition of
                 buy products or services.                         trade means a study of the goods and services
              •  Antique goods : Something made in an earlier      imported and exported by a country.
                 period that is collected and considered to have     •  Consumer equilibrium : It is a state of balance
                 value because it is beautiful, rare and old or of   that can be achieved by a consumer from the
                 a high quality.                                   purchase of goods  and services, given their
              •  Arbitrary weights  : Based on or determined       present level of income and the current level of
                 by individual preference, rather than intrinsic   prices.
                 nature of something.                           •  Copyrights : Copyright is a form of protection
              •  Bank rate : The rate of interest set by a central   provided by the laws of a country to the
                 bank in a country. This is the  lowest rate       creators of original works that includes literary,
                 at which central bank lends money against         dramatic,  musical,  artistic  and certain  other
                 approved securities.                              creative works. A copyright holder can prevent
                                                                   others from copying, performing or otherwise
              •  Branded products :  A branded product is one      using the work without his or her consent.
                 which is the made by a well-known manufacturer
                 and has the manufacturer's label on it.        •  Cost of living : It is the average amount of
                                                                   money that people in a particular place need to
              •  Canons of taxation :  Canons of taxation define   afford basic food, housing and clothing.
                 numerous rules and principles upon which a
                 good taxation system should be built.          •  Credit rationing : RBI imposes a ceiling  on
                                                                   the loans and advances offered by commercial
              •  Capital gains : A capital gain is a rise in the   banks to regulate  and control the purpose of
                 value of a capital asset (investment or real      credit.
                 estate) that gives it a higher worth than the     •  Cross elasticity  :  Cross elasticity  of  demand
                 purchase price.
                                                                   is an economic concept  that measures the
              •  Capital losses : A capital loss is essentially the   responsiveness in the quantity demanded of one
                 difference between the purchase price and the     good when the price for another good (substitute
                 price at which the asset is sold, where the sale   or complementary product) changes.
                 price is lower than the purchase price.
                                                                •  Deficit  financing  :  It  is  a  practice  in  which
              •  Cardinal measurement : The  exponents  of         a government spends more money than it
                 cardinal utility analysis regard utility to be a   receives as revenue. The difference is made up
                 cardinal concept and hypothetically  hold that    by borrowing or minting new funds.
                 utility is a measurable and quantifiable entity.    •  Deflating : Deflating in statistics means
              •  Cash reserve ratio (CRR) : As per RBI Act         counteracting the effect of inflation over a set
                 of 1934, every commercial  bank has to keep       of data to unravel their true values and make
                 certain minimum cash reserves with RBI. It        them comparable.
                 varies between 3- 15% of the total demand and     •  Dearness  Allowances  :  It  is  a  cost  of  living
                 time deposits.                                    adjustment  allowance  paid to government
              •  Ceteris paribus  : It is a Latin phrase and a     employees,  public  sector employees  and
                 dominant assumption in mainstream economic        pensioners. It is calculated as a percentage of
                 thinking when translated into English refers to   basic salary to mitigate the impact of inflation.
                 “other things being equal or constant.”        •  Direction of foreign  trade : Direction  of
              •  Composite measure : In Statistics, composite      foreign trade means the countries to which a
                 measures of variables refers to measurements      particular  country exports its goods and the
                 based on multiple data items.                     countries from which it imports.
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