P. 118

Solution :
                              In the Books of Bahurao Patil Polytechnic College, Nagpur.
                                           Income and Expenditure Account
                                           for the year ended 31  March 2019
            Dr.                                                                                          Cr.
                   Expenditure           Amount     Amount             Income           Amount Amount
                                            `          `                                    `          `
             To Salaries to teaching               15,00,000 By Interest                             60,000
             staff                                            By Donations              7,00,000

             To Salaries to office       8,55,000             Less : 60 % for Building  4,20,000   2,80,000
              staff                                           By Tution fees                      15,00,000

             Add : Outstanding             70,000   9,25,000 By Admission fees                       65,000
             To Printing & Stationery                 27,000 By Term fees                          4,00,000

             To Pastage                                7,000 By Drama Receipts          1,00,000
             To Telephone charges                      6,000 Less : Expenses              90,000     10,000
             To Electricity                           61,000 By Rent from Hall                        6,000

             To Magazines &                            6,000 By Deficit                            4,15,000
             News Papers                                      (Excess of Expenditure

             To Depr. on                                       over Income)
             Books                       1,00,000

             Furniture                   1,04,000   2,04,000

                                                   27,36,000                                      27,36,000

                                          Balance Sheet as on 31  March 2019
                    Liabilities        Amount Amount                  Assets            Amount     Amount
                                           `          `                                    `           `
             Capital Fund              6,11,000             Books                        9,00,000
             Add : Legacies              60,000             Add : Purchases                88,000
                                       6.71,000                                          9,88,000
             Less : Deficit            4,15,000    2,56,000 Less : 10 % Depreciation     1,00,000   8,88,000
             Building Fund             8,27,000             Furniture                    3,26,000
             Add : Donations           4,20,000 12,47,000 Add : Purchases                  78,000
             O/s Salaries to office                 70,000                               4,04,000

             staff                                          Less : Depreciation          1,04,000   3,00,000
                                                            Cash in Hand                              62,000
                                                            Cash at Bank                            3,23,000

                                                 15,73,000                                         15,73,000

   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123