P. 119

19 :  From the following Particulars relating to Sushma Memorial Hospital, Jalgaon, Prepare
                 Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31  March 2020 and Balance Sheet
                 as on that date.
                                             Receipts & Payments Account
                                           for the year ended 31  March 2020
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.
                         Receipts                Amount                  Payments                Amount
                                                     `                                               `
             To Balance b/d                        12,000    By Furniture                          27,000
             To Subscription                     1,03,000    By Medicines                           7,000
             To Entrances fees (Revenue)            1,700    By Honorarium to Doctors              80,000
             To Life membership fees               18,000    By Salary to staff                    15,000
             (Revenue)                                       By General Expenses                    8,000
             To Sale of Old News Papers               500    By Surgical Instruments               60,000
             To Donations for Building fund      1,50,000    By Fixed Deposit                      80,000
                                                             By Balance c/d                         5,500
                                                 2,82,500                                        2,82,500
            Additional Information :
                                   Particulars                   1/4/2019 `         31/3/2020 `
                      Outstanding Subscription                        9,000              10,000
                      Subscription received in advance                8,000               6,000
                      Building                                    13,00,000           13,00,000
                      Investment                                   2,00,000            2,00,000
                      Capital Fund                                10,13,000                       ?
                      Building Fund                                5,00,000                       ?
            Solution :
                                 In the Books of Sushma Memorial Hospital, Jalgaon.
                                           Income and Expenditure Account
                                           for the year ended 31  March 2020
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.
                    Expenditure          Amount  Amount                Income             Amount  Amount
                                             `         `                                     `         `
             To Medicines                             7,000 By Subscription                        1.03.300
             To Honorarium to                        80,000 (Workinh Note)
             Doctors                                         By Entrance fees                         1.700

             To Salary to Staff                      15,000 By Life Membership fees                  18,000
             To General Expenses                      8,000 By Sale of old News                         500
             To Surplus                              13,500 Papers
             (Excess of Income
             over Expenditure)
                                                   1,23,500                                        1,23,500

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