P. 167

Solution :
                                            In the Books of Partnership firm
            Dr.                                  Revaluation  Account                                   Cr.

                         Particulars              Amount (`)             Particulars            Amount (`)
              To Building                             12,000    By Stock A/c                         15,000
              To R.D.D                                  1,200
              To Profit on Revaluation
              transferred to Capital  A/c
                   Sahil                   1350
                   Vikas                     450        1,800

                                                        15,00                                        15,000

            Dr.                               Partner’s Capital Accounts                                Cr.
               Particulars     Sahil   Vanita  Dinesh        Particulars         Sahil     Vanita    Dinesh
                                (`)      (`)     (`)                              (`)       (`)        (`)

             To Balance c/d  1,18,350  84,450   60,000 By Balance b/d             90,000    75,000
                                                       By General Reserve A/c      4,500     1,500
                                                       By Cash A/c                                    60,000
                                                       By Goodwill A/c            22,500     7,500
                                                       By Revaluation  A/c         1,350       450

                              1,18,35  84,450   60,000                          1,18,350    84,450    60,000

                                             M/s. Sahil, Vanita and Dinesh
                                              Balance Sheet as on 1.4. 2019

                    Liabilities        Amt (`)     Amt (`)            Assets           Amt (`)     Amt (`)
             Capital A/c                                     Building                     90,000
             Sahil                      1,18,350             Less : Depreciation          12,000     78,000
             Vanita                       84,450             Stock                        60,000
             Vikas                        60,000    2,62,800 Add : Appreciation           15,000     75,000
             Sundry Creditors                         31,500 Debtors                      46,500
                                                             Less : R.D.D                  1,200     45,300
                                                             Cash at Bank                            96,000

                                                    2,94,300                                        2,94,300

   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172