P. 165

13:  Radha And Vikas were in partnership sharing profits & losses in proportion of 3:2 respec-
                 tively.  Their Balance Sheet as on 31 st March 2019 stood as follows.

                                          Balance Sheet As on 31 March 2019
                    Liabilities        Amt (`)     Amt (`)            Assets           Amt. (`)   Amt. (`)

             Capital A/cs :                                  Premises                              2,80,000
                  Radha                 2,00,000             Furniture and Fixture                  22,800
                  Vikas                 1,20,000 3,20,000 Stock                                     54,000
             Current A/cs. :                                 Debtors                                18,200
                  Radha                                      Cash at bank                             2,200
                  Vikas                    2,400     5,200
             Loan from Balu                2,800    40,000
             Creditors                              12,000

                                                  3,77,200                                         3,77,200

            On 1st April 2019 Om was admitted to the firm on the following terms.
            1    Premises were to be valued at  ` 3,40,000 and Furniture and Fixtures at  ` 20,800. A provision
                 for bad debts of  ` 2,000 was to be made. Stock should be revalued at  ` 58,000.
            2.   Om Should bring in  ` 80,000 as Capital and  ` 20,000 as his share of goodwill and it was re-
                 tained in the business and he should be given one-fourth share in the future profits.
            3    The loan from Balu was repaid through NEFT.
                 Prepare Profit and Loss Adjustment Account, Partners Current Accounts and Balance
                 sheet of the New firm.

            Solution :
            Dr.                          Profit and Loss Adjustment  Account                               Cr.
                          Particulars                Amt. (`)             Particulars             Amt. (`)
             To Furniture A/c                          2,000    By Premises A/c                    60,000
             To R.D.D A/c                              2,000    By Stock A/c                        4,000
             To Profit on Revaluation
             transferred to Current A/c :
                  Radha                     36,000
                  Vikas                     24,000    60,000

                                                      64,000                                       64,000

            Dr.                                    Partner’s  Current Account                             Cr.
             Paritculars     Radha (`) Vikas (`) Particulars                          Radha (`) Vikas (`)
             To Balance c/d      50,400      34,800 By Balance b/d                          2400       2800
                                                     By Goodwill A/c                      12,000       8000
                                                     By P & L Adj. A/c (Profit)           36,000     24,000
                                 50,400      34,800                                       50,400     34,800

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