P. 271

Types of due date :
            a.   Nominal Due Date : Date which is calculated without adding days of grace to the period of bill
                 is known as nominal due date.

            b.   Legal Due Date : Date which is arrived at after adding three days of grace to nominal due date
                 is known as legal due date.

            Calculation of due date :
            A)  In case of Bills Payable ‘After Date’

            i)   Tenure of bill given in months :

            A bill dated 12  June, 2019 is payable 2 months after date. Calculate the due date of the bill.
                                              DAY                    MONTH                     YEAR
             Date of Bill                      12                        6                      2019
             (+)  Tenure of bill                                     2 (months)

             Nominal due date                  12                        8                      2019
             (+) Days of grace                 3
             Legal due date                    15                        8                      2019

            i.e. 15  August, 2019
            Since 15  August is a public holiday on account of Independence Day the bill will fall due for
            payment on 14th August 2019.

            ii)  Tenure of bill given in days :

            A bill dated 14  December, 2019 is payable 90 days after date. Calculate the due date of the bill.
                        MONTH                           Actual days                    Unexpired Days
             December 2019                                   31                   (31-14)       17
             January 2020                                    31                                      31
             February 2020                                   29                                      29
             March 2020                                      31                                      13
                                                                                  Total           90 days

            Thus, Nominal due date       = 13 March, 2020
            (+) Grace days                      + 3
            Therefore, Legal due date    = 16 March, 2020
            B)  In case of Bills Payable ‘After Sight’ :
            Method of calculation of due date is same of ‘After Date’ and ‘After Sight’ bill. The only difference
            is that the term of bill is counted from the date of acceptance and not from the date of drawing in case
            of Bills Payable ‘After Sight’.
            A bill dated 27 December, 2019 is payable  2 months after  sight. It was accepted  on
            31  December, 2019. Calculate the due date of the bill.
            Date of acceptance = December, 2019

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