P. 275

Accounting treatment in the books of Drawer and Drawee :

                           Transaction            Books of Drawer / Creditor     Books of Drawee / Debtor
               1    Creditor sells goods on  Debtor’s A/c                       Dr.    Purchases A/c               Dr.
                    credit                           To Sales A/c                     To Creditor’s A/c
                                                (Being goods sold on credit)     (Being goods purchased on
               2    Creditor or Drawer draws a  Bills Receivable A/c           Dr.  Drawer’s A/c                Dr.
                    bill and acceptance              To Drawee’s A/c                  To Bills Payable A/c
                    received                    (Being bill drawn and accep- (Being acceptance given)
                                                tance received)
               3    Retained  bill honoured on  Cash / Bank A/c                 Dr.  Bills Payable A/c          Dr.
                    the due date.                    To Bills Receivable A/c          To Cash / Bank A/c
                                                (Being retained bill duly        (Being our acceptance
                                                honoured on the due date         honoured )
               4    Retained bill dishonoured  Drawee’s A/c                      Dr.  Bills Payable A/c          Dr.
                    on the due date.                 To Bills Receivable A/c          To Drawee’s A/c

                                                (Being retained bill dishonoured  (Being our acceptance
                                                on the due date.)                dishonoured on the due

               5    Retained bill dishonoured  Drawee’s A/c                      Dr.  Bills Payable A/c          Dr.
                    on the due date and noting        To Bills Receivable A/c    Noting Charges A/c      Dr.
                    charges paid by Drawer.           To Cash A/c                     To Drawer’s A/c

                                                (Being retained bill dishonoured  (Being   our   acceptance
                                                on  the  due  date  and  Noting   dishonoured and Noting
                                                Charges paid                     Charges payable)

            When retained bill is dishonoured, the duty of establishing the fact that the bill was presented
            to Drawee for payment is of the Drawer. Drawer pays the Noting Charges which will ultimately
            be recovered from Drawee.
            Illustration on Retained Bill

            On 1  June, 2019 Pratap sold goods to Sujit worth ` 82,000. Sujit accepted a bill drawn upon him
            by Pratap for 2 months for ` 82,000. Give Journal entires in the book of Pratap and Sujit for the
            following cases :
            a)   Bill is honoured on the due date.

            b)   Bill is dishonoured on the due date.
            c)   Bill is dishounoured on the due date and Noting charges ` 250 paid by Pratap.

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