P. 279

Additional Information
              A bill broker is a discount house, a firm which buys and sells bills of exchange for a fee.

            Illustration on Discounting the bill with the bank
            Ajinkya owes ` 45,000 to Ashwin. On 12  July, 2019 Ashwin received a crossed cheque of ` 15,000
            from Ajinkya and for the balance ` 30,000 Ajinkya accepted a bill for 3 months. Ashwin got the bill
            discounted with his bank at 15% p. a. on the same day. Give journal entries in the books of Ashwin
            and Ajinkya for the following cases :
            a)   Bill honoured on due date.

            b)   Bill dihonoured on due date.
            c)   Bill dishonoured on due date and noting charges ` 300 paid by bank.

                                                 In the books of Ashwin
                Date                         Particulars                      L. F.    Debit       Credit
                                                                                     Amount `  Amount `
             2019         Bank  A/c ............................................................Dr.   15,000
             July 12      Bill Receivable A/c .............................................Dr.  30,000
                               To Ajinkya’s  A/c                                                    45,000
                          (Being cheque received and for balance bill drawn
                          and  acceptance received)
             July 12      Bank A/ ...............................................................Dr.  28,875
                          Discount A/c ........................................................Dr.  1,125
                               To Bills Receivable A/c                                              30,000
                          (Being  Ajinkya’s acceptance  discounted with the
             a) Oct. 15   No Entry

             b) Oct. 15   Ajinkya’s A/c ......................................................Dr.   30,000
                               To Bank  A/c                                                         30,000
                          (Being Ajinkya’s acceptance discounted with bank
             c) Oct. 15   Ajinkya’s A/c ......................................................Dr.   30,300
                               To Bank’s A/c                                                        30,300
                          (Being Ajinkya’s acceptance discounted with bank
                          dishonoured and Noting charges paid by Bank)

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