P. 284

Accounting Treatment in the Books of Drawer and Drawee :

                           Transaction                 Books of Drawer                Books of Drawee
               1    Bill  sent to bank for  Bill sent for collection  A/c ...Dr. There  will  be  no entry
                    collection                       To Bills Receivable A/c     because Drawee is not a
                                                (Being bill sent to bank for     party to the
                                                collection)                      transaction.
               2    Bill  sent to bank for  Bank A/c ...............................Dr. Bills Payable  A/c ..........
                    collection honoured on the  Bank Charges A/c .................Dr. Dr.
                    due date and Bank charges        To Bill sent for collection A/c      To Cash / Bank A/c
                    debited by bank.            (Being bill honoured)            (Being our acceptance

               3    Bill  sent to bank for  Drawee’s A/c .........................Dr. Bills  PayableA/c............
                    collection  dishonoured  on       To Bill sent for collection  Dr.
                    the due date                (Being bill sent for collection        To Drawer’s A/c
                                                dishonoured)                     (Being our acceptance
               4    Bill  sent to bank for  Drawee’s A/c .........................Dr. Bills Payable A/c            Dr.
                    collection     dishonoured      To Bill sent for collection A/c Noting Charges A/c        Dr.
                    on due  date  and Noting         To Bank A/c                      To Drawer’s A/c
                    Charges paid                (Being bill sent for collection  (Being our acceptance
                                                dishonoured and Noting Charges  dishonoured and
                                                paid)                            Noting Charges payable)

            Illustration on Bill sent to the Bank for collection
            Anita sold goods to Nita `  33,500 8  May 2019. On the same day Anita draws a bill of ` 22,500 on
            Nita for 4 months was accepted by Nita. On 4  April 2019 Anita sent the bill to bank for collection.
            a)   Bill is honoured on the due date and Anita paid bank charges ` 200.
            b)   Bill is dishonoured on the due date.
            c)   Bill is dishonoured on the due date and noting charges paid ` 150.

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