P. 286

Renewal Bill of Exchange
            Cancellation of bill on maturity in return of a new bill for an extended period of credit is known as
            renewal of bill of exchange. When the acceptor of the bill after acceptance has some doubt that he
            would not be able to honour the bill on the due date, he requests the Drawer to cancel the original
            bill and to draw a fresh bill on him for a further period of time. If the Drawer agrees to such on offer
            the Drawee gets extra time of credit for which Drawee has to pay interest. Amount of interest can be
            paid along with part payment or with the new bill.
            Steps in Renewal of Bill

            i.   Cancellation or Dishonour of old bill.
            ii.   Interest due on balance.
            iii.  Receiving / Paying of part payment.
            iv.  Drawing and acceptance of new bill.

            Accounting Treatment in the Books of Drawer and Drawee :
                        Transaction                 Books of Drawer                  Books of Drawee
               1    Cancellation  of old  Drawee’s   A/c ............................ Dr.  Bill Payable A/c ............ Dr.
                    bill or                     To Bills Receivable A/c or           To Drawer’s A/c
                    Dishonour of bill           To Bank A/c or                  (Being    our    acceptance
                                                To Bill Sent for Collection A/c or cancelled for renewal)
                                                To Endorsee’s A/c
                                           (Being old bill cancelled for
               2    Interest   due     on Drawee’s   A/c ............................ Dr.  Interest A/c .....................Dr
                    balance amount              To Interest A/c ....................... Dr.       To Drawer’s   A/c
                                           (Being Interest due)                 (Being Interest due)

               3    Receving  / Paying  Cash / Bank A/c ......................... Dr.  Drawer’s A/c ................. Dr.
                    part payment                To Drawee’s A/c                               To Cash / Bank A/c

                                           (Being part payment received along  (Being  part  payment  made
                                           with interest)                       along with interest)
                                           (Amount of interest will be
                                           added to this amount if interest is
                                           received along with part
               4    Drawing          and Bills Receivable A/ .................... Dr.  Drawer’s A/c ................. Dr.
                    acceptance  of new       To Drawee’s A/c                         To Bills Payable A/c
                    bill                   (Being   new    bill  drawn     and (Being new bill accepted for
                                           acceptance received)                 the balance)
                                           (Amount of interest will be added to
                                           this amount if interest is receivable
                                           along with new bill)

            Note :  Whenever the bill is dishonoured Drawee’s account is always debited.
                   Bills Receivable account is credited if the bill is retained.
                   Bank account is credited if the bill is discounted with the bank.
                   Bill sent for collection account is credited if the bill is sent to bank for collection.
                   Endorsee’s account is credited if the bill is endorsed.
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