P. 288

accepted by him will obviously be dishonoured. In this case entry for cancellation of bill will be
            passed in the books of Drawer and Drawee. Drawer may receive some amount from the Drawee’s
            estate which is called final dividend. The amount which is not recoverable will be written off in the
            books of Drawer as bad debts. The same amount will appear in the books of Drawee as deficiency.

            Accounting Treatment in the Books of Drawer and Drawee :

                           Transaction                 Books of Drawer                Books of Drawee
               1    Cancellation of old bill    Drawee’s A/c                Dr. Bill Payable A/c        Dr.
                                                    To Bills Receivable A/c   or       To Drawer A/c
                                                    To Bank A/c or               (Being our acceptance can-
                                                      To Bill  sent for collection   celled)
                                                          A/c or
                                                    To Endorsee’s A/c
                                                (Being old bill cancelled)
               2    Receiving final             Cash / Bank A/c             Dr. Drawer’s A/c            Dr.
                    dividend and bad debts  Bad Debts A/c                   Dr.      To Cash / Bank A/c
                    written off                     To Drawee’s A/c                   To Deficiency A/c
                                                (Being final dividend received  (Being final dividend paid
                                                and bad debts written off)       and balance credited to
                                                                                 deficiency account)


            1.   (Honour of bill under different circumstances)
                 Akash drew a bill on Deepak for 25,000 on 23  December, 2019, for 3 months. Deepak accept-
                 ed the same and returned it to Akash. On the due date the bill was duly honoured by Deepak.
                 Give journal entires in the books of Akash and Deepak under each to the following cases :
            a)   If Aksah retained the bill till maturiry.
            b)  If Akash discounted the bill with the bank at 6% p.a. on the same day.
            c)   If Akash sent the bill to bank for collection on 23  December, 2019.
            d)  If Akash endorsed the bill to his creditor Viren.

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