P. 293

4.   Sneha receives Magha’s acceptance for ` 15,000. Before due date of the bill Megha approaches
                 Sneha with a request to accept ` 5,000 and draw a fresh bill on her for the balance for 3 months
                 including interest at 8% p.a. Sneha agrees and draws a fresh bill which was duly accepted by
                 On the due date Megha meets the bill.
                 Give journal entires in the books of Sneha and prepare Sneha’s account in the books of
                                                 In the books of Sneha
                Date                         Particulars                      L. F.    Debit       Credit
                                                                                     Amount `  Amount `
                  1.      Bills Receivable A/c .......................................... Dr.   15,000
                               To Megha’s A/c                                                       15,000
                          (Being bill drawn and acceptance received)
                  2.      Megha’s A/c ....................................................... Dr.                                                          15,000
                               To Bills Receivable A/c                                              15,000
                          (Being Megha’s acceptance cancelled for renewal)
                  3.      Megha’s A/c ....................................................... Dr.  200
                               To Interest A/c                                                         200
                          (Being interest due on balance)
                  4.      Cash / Bank A/c ..................................................Dr.   15,000
                               To Megha’s A/c                                                        5,000
                          (Being part payment received)
                  5.      Bills Receivable A/c ...........................................Dr.  10,200
                               To Megha’s A/c                                                       10,200
                          (Being  new bill  drawn along with interest  and
                          acceptance received)
                  6.      Cash / Bank A/c ..................................................Dr.  10,200
                          To Bills Reveivable A/c                                                   10,200
                          (Being new bill duly honoured on the due date)

                                                 In the books of Megha
                                                      Sneha’s A/C
            Dr.                                                                                          Cr.
              Date         Particulars       J.F. Amount     Date         Particulars         J.F. Amount
                                                     (`)                                              (`)
                      To Bills Payable A/c           15,000         By Balance b/d                   15,000
                      To Cash/Bank A/c                5,000         By Bills Payable  A/c            15,000
                      To Bills Payable A/c           10,200         By Interest A/c                     200

                                                     30,200                                          30,200

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