P. 291

In the books of Harsh
                Date                         Particulars                      L. F.    Debit       Credit
                                                                                     Amount `  Amount `
             2019         Purchases A/c  .....................................................Dr.   40,000
             May 1             To Gautam’s A/c                                                      40,000
                          (Being good purchased on credit)
             2019         Gautam’s A/c  .....................................................Dr.  40,000
             May 1             To Bills Payable A/c                                                                     40,000
                          (Being bill accepted)
             a) 2019      Bills Payable A/c  ...............................................Dr.  40,000
             July 4            To Gautam’s A/c                                                      40,000
                          (Being our acceptance dishonoured)

            Note : In case of b, c and d entries in the Books of Drawee will be same as above.
            3.   Kabir owes Rahul ` 37,000 on 1  Dec. 2019, Kabir accepts a three months bill for ` 35,500 in
                 full settlement. On the due date the bill is dishonoured by Kabir and Rahul paid noting charges
                 ` 500. Give journal entries in the book of Kabir and Rahul. Also prepare Kabir’s A/c in the
                 books of Rahul and Rahul’s A/c in the books of Kabir.

                                                 In the books of Rahul
                Date                         Particulars                      L. F.    Debit       Credit
                                                                                     Amount `  Amount `
             2019         Bills Receivable A/c  ..........................................Dr.   35,500
             Dec. 1       Discount A/c  .......................................................Dr.  1,500
                               To Kabir’s A/c                                                       37,000
                          (Being bill drawn in full settlement and acceptance
             2020         Kabir’s A/c  .........................................................Dr.  37,500
             Mar. 4            To Bills Receivable A/c                                              35,500
                               To Discount A/c                                                       1,500
                               To Cash A/c                                                               500
                          (Being Kabir’s acceptance dishonoured and noting
                          charges paid)

            Note : Discount previously allowed has been cancelled on dishonour.

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