P. 283

In the books of Purva

                Date                         Particulars                      L. F.    Debit       Credit
                                                                                     Amount `  Amount `
                2019      Bills Receivable A/c ...........................................Dr.   22,500
               Feb. 18         To Pallavi’s A/c                                                     22,500
                          (Being Bills Receivable received )
              a) May 19 Cash / Bank A/c ..................................................Dr.  22,500
                               To Bills Receivable  A/c                                             22,500
                          (Being cash received on Bills Receivable)
              b) May 19 Pallavi’s A/c ........................................................Dr.   22,500
                               To Bills Receivable   A/c                                            22,500
                          (Being Bills Receivable dishonoured)
              c) May 19 Pallavi’s A/c ........................................................Dr.  22,675
                               To Bills Receivable  A/c                                                   22,500
                               To Cash A/c                                                             175
                          (Being  Bills  Receivable  dishonoured  and  Noting
                          Charges paid)
            4.   Bills sent to Bank for Collection
                 Holder of the bill can send the bill to bank for collection. In business enterprises a large number
                 of bills receivable are received regularly and it is difficult to remember to present various bill to
                 different Drawees on different due dates. In such cases the Drawer sends the bill to his/her bank
                 who will collect the amount of these bills on due date on behalf of the Drawer. For this service
                 bank charges certain fees known as Bank Charges. Drawer opens a temporary account for this
                 purpose known as “Bill sent for collection A/c”. This account closes on the due date of the Bill.

                                                Sells the goods on credit
                     Seller / Creditor                                              Buyer / Debtor

                                                     Draws the bill
                     Drawer                                                         Drawee

                                                       Accepts the bill
                     Holder                                                         Acceptor

                                                                         Presents it

                                                                           on due date
                                                                             Pays cash to
                               Sends the bill to the
                                                                                 the bank
                             Bank for collection


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