P. 278

Illustration 2 :
            Shivam drawn a bill on Ganesh for 21,900 on 15  May, 2019 for 60 days. He discounts the bill on
            the same day with his Bank at 8% p.a. Calculate the amount of discount.
            Solution :

                 Discount = Amount of Bill  ×   Rate    ×   Unexpried days
                                               100           365
                                       8      60
                           = 21,900 ×      ×
                                      100    365
                           = ` 288
            Illustration 3 :

            Pankaj drawn a bill on Sanjay for ` 25,620 on 1st March, 2020 for 90 days. He discounts the bill on
            the same day with his back at 10% p.a. Calculate the amount of discount.

            Solution :
                                               Rate     Unexpried days
                 Discount = Amount of Bill ×          ×
                                               100            366
                                       10      90
                           = 25,620 ×       ×
                                      100     366
                           = ` 630

                 (Note 2020 is a leap year, therefore it is 366 days)
            Accounting Treatment in the Books of Drawer and Drawee :

                           Transaction                 Books of Drawer                Books of Drawee
               1    Drawer discount the  bill  Bank A/c                     Dr. There will be no entry
                    with the bank               Discount A/c                Dr. because Drawee is not a
                                                     To Bills Receivable A/c     party to the
                                                (Being Drawee’s acceptance       transaction.
                                                discounted with the bank)
               2    Discounted bill honoured  There will be no entry because  Bills Payable A/c         Dr.
                    on the due date             Drawer has already received the      To Cash / Bank A/c
                                                Cash                             (Being our acceptance
               3    Discounted bill dishonoured  Drawee’s A/c               Dr. Bills PayableA/c        Dr.
                    on the due date                 To Bank A/c                      To Drawer’s A/c
                                                (Being discounted bill           (Being our acceptance
                                                dishonoured on the due date)     dishonoured)
               4    Discounted bill dishonoured  Drawee’s A/c               Dr. Bills Payable A/c       Dr.
                    and noting charges paid by      To Bank A/c                  Noting Charges A/c     Dr.
                    bank                        (Being discounted bill               To Drawer’s A/c
                                                dishonoured on the due date and  (Being our acceptance
                                                Noting Charges paid by bank)     dishonoured and Noting
                                                Amount = Amount of bill +        Charges payable)
                                                Noting Charges)

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