P. 274

Accounting treatment of Bill of Exchange
            Bills Receivable being an asset can be dealt in the following ways by the Drawer :

                                                      1. Retaining
                                                       the bill till
                                                       the due date

                                  4. Sending            Treatment          2. Discounting
                                  the bill to           of Bill of          the bill with
                                   bank for           Exchange by             the bank
                                  collection.            Drawer.

                                                       3. Endorsing
                                                      the bill to the
                                                       creditor for
                                                      settlement of

                                                       Fig.7.3 (a)

            1.   Retaining the bill till the due date : Drawer can retain the bill till the due date. On the due
                 date he presents the bill to the Drawee for payment which can be honoured or dishonoured by
                 the Drawee.

                                                  Sells Goods on Credit

                 Seller                                                                 Buyer

                                                  Draws the Bill
                 Creditor or Drawer                                                     Debtor or Drawee

                                                  Drawee accepts the Bill
                                                  and send it to Drawer
                 Holder                                                                 Acceptor

                                                  Presents the bill for payment

                 Holder                                                                 Acceptor

                                                  Drawee or acceptor
                                                  honours the bill on due date
                 Holder                                                                 Acceptor

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