P. 277

2.   Discounting the Bill of Exchange : A bill is drawn for a particular term and the acceptor pays
                 the amount of bill on the due date. Drawer or Holder can obtain payment from bank before
                 its due date by discounting the bill. Discounting is a device to convert the bill into its present
                 value. A bill can be generally discounted with the bank where the Drawer has an account. Bank
                 deducts certain amount of bill for the services rendered which is known as discounting charges.
                 Discount being an expense for Drawer is debited in his books of accounts.

                                             Sells the goods on credit
                  Seller / Creditor                                              Buyer / Debtor

                                             Draws the bill
                  Drawer                                                         Drawee

                  Holder / Payee             Drawee accepts the bill             Acceptor

                                                                     Presents the bill

                                          Cash  received
                                                                       on due date

                                  Discounts the bill
                                                                          Received Cash
                               with the bank


            Calculation of Discount
            Illustration 1 :
            Rahul draws a bill on Atul for ` 15,000 on 1 April, 2019 payable after 4 months. Calculate the
            amount of discount in the following cases :
            i)   The bill has been discounted @ 10% p.a. on 1  April, 2019.
            ii)  The bill has been discounted @ 10% p.a. on 1  June, 2019.
            Solution :
                                              Rate    Unexpried months
            i)   Discount = Amount of Bill ×         ×
                                              100             12
                                       10     4
                              = 15,000 ×    ×
                                      100    12
                           = ` 500
                 (Note: The bill is with the bank for 4 months)

                                              Rate     Unexpried months
            ii)  Discount = Amount of Bill ×         ×
                                               100            12
                                       10      2
                           = 15,000 ×       ×
                                       100    12
                           = ` 250
                 (Note : The bill is with the bank for 2 months only)

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