P. 29

ii) Interest on Drawings      Show to the Debit Side of       Show to the Credit Side of
                                                 partners  Capital/Current  A/c  Profit and Loss A/c
                                                 or less from Capital/  Current
                   iii) Interest on loan taken   Show to the Debit Side of       Add to loan taken in the
                                                 Profit and Loss A/c             Balance Sheet Liability
              11. Interest on investment         Show  to the Credit Side of  Balance Sheet Asset Side
                   and on loan given             Profit and Loss A/c
              12. i)   Insured goods destroyed  Trading A/c Credit Side (gross  1.  Balance  Sheet  Asset
                       by fire/accident          amount)                            Side (Claim amount)
                                                                                 2.  Profit and Loss A/c Debit
                                                                                    side (Amount of Loss)
                   ii)  Uninsured goods          Profit and Loss A/c Debit Side  Show to the Credit Side of
                       destroyed by fire/                                        Trading A/c
              13. Goods stolen                   Profit and Loss A/c Debit Side  Show to the Credit Side of
                                                                                 Trading A/c
              14. Goods distributed as free      Profit and Loss A/c Debit Side  Show to the Credit Side of
                   samples                       (Add in Advertisement if any)   Trading A/c
              15. Goods withdrawn by             Show  to the Credit Side of   Partners Capital/Current
                   Partners for personal use     Trading  A/c or deduct  from  A/c Debit Side
                                                 Purchases A/c
              16. i)   Unrecorded Purchases      Add to Purchases on the Debit  Add to Creditors on the
                                                 Side of Trading A/c             Liability  Side  of  Balance
                   ii)  Unrecorded Sales         Add to Debtors on the Asset     Add  to Sales on the credit
                                                 Side of the Balance Sheet       Side of Trading A/c
              17. i)  Capital      Expenditure  Deduct from that particular      Add to that particular asset
                       included   in   Revenue Revenue Expenses on the Debit  in Balance Sheet Asset Side
                       Expenditure               Side of  Trading or Profit and
                                                 Loss A/c
                   ii)  Revenue    Expenditure  Add to that particular Revenue  Deducted       from     that
                       included   in    Capital Expenditure                      particular Asset in Balance
                       Expenditure                                               Sheet
              18. Bills Receivable dishonored    Add the amount of bill  Deduct  the amount  of bill
                                                 dishonored to Sundry Debtors    dishonored    from    Bills
                                                 in the Balance Sheet Asset Side Receivable.
              19. Bills Payable Dishonored       Add the amount of bill  Deduct  the amount  of bill
                                                 dishonored to Sundry Creditors  dishonored    from    Bills
                                                 in the Balance Sheet            Payable
              20. Deferred      Expenses     of Advertisement Expenses           Remaining     amount     of
                   Advertisement  paid for 5  related to current year debited    Advertisement  is shown
                   years                         to Profit and Loss A/c          on asset side of the
                                                                                 Balance Sheet as prepaid

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