P. 30

21. Revenue  Receipts included  Add to sales on the credit side  Less to Furniture on the
                   in Capital Receipts e.g. sale  of Trading A/c.                Asset Side of the Balance
                   of goods included in sale of                                  Sheet
              22. Commission to partners         Show to the Debit Side of       Show to the Credit Side of
                   as percentage of Gross        Profit and Loss A/c             Partners Capital/Current
                   Profit/sales.                                                 A/c or Add to Partners
                                                                                 Capital A/c.

                                       Hidden Adjustment Given in Trial Balance
             Sr.       Adjustment Given in        Trading and Profit and              Balance Sheet
             No.           Trial Balance                  Loss A/c
             1.      Salaries/Rent Paid         Add the amount of Salaries/ Show separately the amount
                     (For 10 months)            Rent for 2 months to Salaries/ of Salaries/Rent for 2 months
                                                Rent respectively             on the Liabilities  Side of the
                                                                              Balance Sheet
             2.      Insurance premium  paid  Deduct the proportionate  Show separately the amount
                     for 1 year ending  30th  amount of Insurance Premium  of prepaid insurance on the
                     June, 2019 (Accounting  for 3 months from  insurance   Assets Side  of  the  Balance
                     year  ends on 31st March  on the    Debit  Side  of  Profit  Sheet
                     2019)                      and Loss A/c
             3.      Advertisement expenses     Show    1/4th   amount     of Show the remaining i.e. 3/4th
                     (for 4 years)              Advertisement  expenses  on  of  Advertisement  expenses
                                                the Debit Side of Profit and  (not written off) on the Assets
                                                Loss A/c                      Side of the Balance Sheet
             4.      Rent received              Add the proportionate amount  Show the same amount on the
                     (for 11 months)            of Rent for one month to Rent  Assets Side  of  the  Balance
                                                received  on Credit Side of  Sheet
                                                Profit and Loss A/c
             5.      10% Loan (Borrowed on  Show the  amount  of Interest  Add the  amount  of Interest
                     1st Jan. 2018)(Accounting  Receivable on investment for  Receivable  on investment  on
                     year  ends on 31st March  3 months on the Credit Side of  the Assets Side of the Balance
                     2018)                      the Profit and Loss A/c       Sheet
             6.      16% Investment             Show the  amount  of Interest  Add the  amount  of Interest
                     (Purchased on 1st Jan.  Receivable on Investment for  Receivable  on Investment  on
                     2019)  (Accounting  year  3 months on the  Credit Side  the Assets Side of the Balance
                     ends on 31st March 2019) of the Profit and Loss A/c      Sheet

             7.      10% Government Bonds       Show the  amount  of Interest  Add the  amount  of Interest
                                                Receivable on the Credit Side  Receivable  to Government
                                                of Profit and Loss Account    Bonds on the  Assets Side of
                                                                              the  Balance  Sheet  or show
                                                                              seperately in Balance Sheet
                                                                              Asset Side.

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