P. 337

10  Suman Ltd. issued equity shares of ` 10 each at a Premium of ` 3 per share, Payable as
                 `     3 on application
                 `     5 on Allotment   (including Premium)
                 `     2.50 on 1st call
                 `     2.50 on final call

                 One shareholder Mr. Ashok failed to pay Allotment money and 1st call money on 200 shares.
                 Directors forfeited his share after first call. While another shareholder Mr. Atul failed to pay
                 1st call and final call money on 100 shares and his shares were forfeited after final call. Show
                 Journal Entries for forfeiture of shares of Mr. Ashok & Mr, AtuI
            Solution :

                Date                         Particulars                      L.F.    Debit `     Credit `
                  1.      Share Capital  A/c ...............................................Dr.   1,500
                          Share Premium A/c .............................................Dr.  600
                               To Share Allotment A/c                                                1,000
                               To Share First call A/c                                                 500
                               To Share Forfeiture A/c                                                 600
                          (Being forfeiture of 200 equity share due to non-
                          payment of Allotment money on first call money)
                  2.      Share Capital A/c ................................................Dr.   1,000
                               To Share First Call A/c                                                 250
                               To Share Final Call A/c                                                 250
                               To Share Forfeiture A/c                                                 500
                          (Being forfeiture of 100 equity shares due to non-
                          payment of first call and final call money)

            Working Note No. 1 -
            Shares Forfeited & Premium not collected

            Share Capital = No of forfeited shares × Called up value including premium
                             No. of forfeited shares = 200

                                                      200 × 7.5  = 1,500
            Security premium = 200 × 3 = 600 (No. of shares premium per share)

            Share allotment = 200 × 5 = 1,000 (No. of share Allotment money)
            1st Call = 200 × 2.5 = 500 (No. of share Call Money)
            Forfeited shares = Bal. Amount
            Working Note No. 2 -
            Share forfeited premium is collected
            Share Capital    =  No. of shares × called up value (including premium)
                              =  100 × 10 = 1,000

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