P. 93

Additional Information :
            1)   Receipts in Arrears are Visit Fees ` 2,000 and Dispensary ` 500
            2)   Outstanding Expenses - Rent ` 500 and Salaries ` 1,000
            3)   Stock of drugs was ` 1,000
            4)   Depreciate Furniture @ 8 % p.a. and Equipments ` 500.
            Solution :
                                          In the books of Dr. Abhinav Bharat.
                                           Income and Expenditure Account
                                           for the year ended 31  March 2020
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.

                    Expenditure          Amount Amount                 Income             Amount Amount
                                             `         `                                     `         `
             To Drugs                       7,000            By Visit fees                 10,000

             Less : Stock & Drugs           1,000     6,000 Add : Outstanding                2,000   12,000
             To Salaries                   12,000            Visit Fee
             Add : O/s Salary               1,000    13,000 By Receipts for                30,000

             To Rent                        6,000            Dispensary
             Add : O/s Rent                   500     6,500 Add : Outstanding                 500    30,500
             To Conveyance                  4,000            By Sundry Receipts                       5,000

             Less : 40 % Domestic           1,600     2,400
             To Stationery                              500

             To Electrical Charges                     5000
             To Journals                                500
             To Deperaciation on
             Furniture                        640
             Equipments                       500     1,140
             To Surplus                              12,460
             (Excess of Income

             over expenditure)
                                                     47,500                                          47,500

   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98