P. 91

7 :  From the following Receipts and Payments Account and additional information prepare
                 Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31  March 2019 and Balance Sheet
                 as on that date.
                                            Receipts and Payments Account
                                           for the year ended 31  March 2019
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.
                         Receipts                Amount                  Payments                 Amount
                                                     `                                               `
             To Balance b/d                        3,000     By Salaries                            4,000
             To Subscription                       5,000     By Printing & Stationery               1,000
             To Donations (Revenue)                5,000     By Commission                            500
             To Entrance fees                      4,000     By Rent                                2,000

             To Interest                           1,000     By Electric Charges                    1,500
                                                             By Furniture                           8,000

                                                             By Balance c/d                         1,000
                                                  18,000                                           18,000
            Additional Information :
            1)   Outstanding Rent was ` 200
            2)   Subscription includes ` 1,000 as Subscription received in advance and subscription
                 outstanding for current year was ` 500.
            3)   Depreciate Furniture @ 8 % p.a.
            4)   50 % Entrance fees should be capitalised
            5)   Capital Fund was ` 3,000
                                           Income and Expenditure Account
                                           for the year ended 31  March 2019
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.
                    Expenditure          Amount Amount                 Income             Amount Amount
                                             `         `                                      `        `
             To Salaries                              4,000 By Subscriptions                 5,000
             To Printing & Stationery                 1,000 Less : Advance Subscriptions     1,000
             To Commission                              500                                  4,000
             To Rent                        2,000            Add : O/s Subscriptions           500    4,500

             Add : O/s Rent                   200     2,200 By Donations                              5,000
             To Electric charges                      1,500 By Entrance fees                 4,000
             To Deperaciation on                        640 Less : 50 % Capitalised          2,000    2,000
             Furniture                                       By Interest                              1,000

             To Surplus                               2,660
             (Excess of Income over
                                                     12,500                                          12,500

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