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Caroline Wells
Distribution Sales M anager
Tuesday was a full day at the Omron Americas HQ
office, starting with the full group listening to
presentations by Executive, Distribution, and M arketing
management. Then, the attendees split into small groups
and engaged in six round- robin sessions to cover both
product and technology. The sessions were: Relays,
Connector & Switch, Component Sensor, Sensor
Evaluation Board, Automation & Safety (for industrial
distributors), and Creative Lab. After a break, attendees
and Omron members loaded a bus for a trip to
downtown Chicago to watch the Chicago Cubs take on
the Chicago White Sox in the Crosstown Classic from
one of the world- famous rooftop decks.
The last day, Wednesday, was a half- day session at HQ,
Recap video
with presentations by Technical Support, M arcom,
COSE, and a HUB overview. The event concluded with
From June 17 ? 19, OCB- AM hosted 30 attendees from a management Q& A panel featuring Jeff Rogers, Kris
our distributors (24 attendees, mostly Supplier Account
M anagers, Product M anagers, or similar roles) and
M anufacturers Representatives (6 attendees including
roles of VP Sales, Owner, and Distribution Sales
M anager) for our biennial Distribution Summit. We also
welcomed two guests from S& M BU (Nakaichi- san and
Baik- san), one from EM C Sales HQ (Shimura- san), and
one from OM Z (Wang- san). The purpose of the event is
to allow our distributor and Rep attendees to become
more familiar with OCB- AM as a company, receive
current product and technology training, and engage with
the OCB- AM team. This event was organized by the
Distribution Sales team and Rochelle Pajak.
The first evening, we hosted a welcome reception at the
Saddle Room. This event allowed our attendees to get
acquainted with one another and with the Omron team.
M agician David Rinalli helped break the ice and wowed NBC Sports? Kelly Crull interviewed our own
Patrick Lahey and Joe White on the rooftop
everyone with mind- boggling card and prop tricks.