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                       Project Landscaping Architect. Polycarp       •  Provide gymnasium facilities to the athletes;
                       Mogusu provided technical support in landscap-  •  Provide short term emergency standby- power gen-
                       ing details and specifi cation as well as supervision   erator;
                       of the landscaping works.                     •  Perform landscaping of the grounds;
                                                                     •  Provide a lounge where athletes, team offi  cials, guests
                       Project Electrical Engineer Robert Kirui was    and the media can interact
                       responsible for design and supervision of all electri-
                       cal works on site.                            ICT (Information, Communication and
                       Project Mechanical Engineer: Simon Kimutai    •  Provide the LOC Directorate of ICT with the overriding
                       was responsible for design and supervision of all
                                                                       infrastructure on which to provide network services;
                       mechanical works on site.
                                                                     •  To provide the underlying fi bre optic cabling within
                                                                       Nyayo Village
                       Project Civil Engineer. Joanne Mahugu was
                                                                     •  To provide specialized personnel to support the IT
                       responsible for design and supervision of all civil
                       works on site.
                       Project Structural Engineer. Janet Kahuro
                       was responsible for design and supervision of all
                                                                     •  Provide standalone medical/ doping control rooms
                       structural works on site.
                                                                       with toilets in each anti-doping room.
                       Project Procurement Manager Victoria Muema
                                                                     •  Provide fully operational health unit staff ed with medi-
                                                                       cal personnel Provide secluded massage areas with
                       was responsible for procurement of materials and to
                                                                       closet space.
                       ensure timely delivery.
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       Scope of Work
                                                                     •  Provide two secluded training sections, for throws,
                          e scope of work for refurbishing the Nyayo Village
                                                                       jumps and another for running;
                       was a follows:
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                     •  Provide fl ood lights for the training grounds.
                                                                     •  Provide and install an IAAF approved tartan track at
                                                                       the Nyayo village
                       •  Provide lockable 3-star standard rooms for 2,000
                         athletes;                                   Marketing and Commercial
                       •  Provide ablution facilities of a 3-star standard ac-
                         commodation.                                •  Provide fl ag poles for raising the respective fl ags;
                       •  Provide a 3-star kitchen, assured cold chain and   •  Provide mounting facilities, signage, banners, bun-
                         kitchen staff  to run it;                      tings and water points.
                       •  Provide cleaning services to the athletes’ village and
                         the training grounds;                       Security
                       •  Provide storage space for athlete’s equipment;
                       •  Provide common areas for use by the athletes as en-  •  Provide adequate security offi  ces and a holding cell
                         tertainment area                              with a toilet;

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