Page 206 - WU183.indd
P. 206
Commercial & marketing • Advertising: above and below the line activations
and partners commercials
• Ticket: design, sales, promotion and mobilization
Marketing overview to stadium and premier ticket program
• Concession program: Market street (Village)
Background • Partners hospitality
• Press conference: Back drops
enya was bestowed the honor of hosting the • Promotion of the event country wide
IAAF WU 18 Championships in 2014 after a • Identifi cation ad presentation of running bibs:
Ksuccessful bid that was led by the Ministry • Ambush Marketing
production and advertising
of Sports, Culture and the Arts (MOSCA), Athletics
Kenya (AK) and Nairobi County Government.
• Value in Kind
e championships fl ag was handed to Kenya in
• Advertising marketing products
2015 in Cali, Colombia - to stage the event in Nairobi
• Offi cial event products
from 12th- 16th July 2017. is was the second larg-
est IAAF global sporting event of 2017 and the fi nal
Marketing Sponsorship
Under 18 event.
Sports has relied on the support of commercial part-
Objectives for Marketing
ners, and they continue to play an integral role in
the staging of games and the operations of every
.(1) To enhance the general image of the sport of
organization within the IAAF World Under 18
athletics world-wide by increasing the popu-
larity and public awareness of the IAAF, its af-
In return for their support, the partners are able
fi liates and their events;
to enjoy exceptional global exposure by showcasing
.(2) To ensure the widest possible public exposure Championships 2017.
their brand to billions of people around the world
of the events through television, print, social
through the unique marketing platform provided by
and other media platforms.
the IAAF World U18 Championships. e partners are
.(3) To maximize the rights granted to the com-
also able to align their brands with the IAAF – one of
mercial affi liates and their participation in the
the most widely recognized symbols in the world,
events and to ensure that their marketing ob-
which is associated with a set of ideals and values
jectives were fulfi lled;
that resonates strongly across the globe.
.(4) To maximize the level of products and services
e IAAF WU18 Championships 2017 games off ered
provided by the commercial affi liates through a
coordinated and well-defi ned marketing pro- partners the chance to use marketing programmes,
showcasing, internal reward schemes and commu-
gramme for the general development of sports nity outreach initiatives to develop innovative ways
athletics and the benefi t of IAAF, the Organizing to build their brands, increase sales, connect with the
Members, DENTSU/AMS and the events. public, build customer relationships, motivate their
.(5) To assist the Organizing Member further de- employees, enhance their corporate reputation and
velop the sport of athletics in their own terri- leave a lasting company legacy in the communities
tory through staging the event.
where they do business.
IAAF WU18 Championships 2017 partners helped
bring the Games to life through global promotional
campaigns, with unprecedented real-time social
• Event mark: creation, assignment rights, registra- media activation, as well as popular showcasing
tion of mark and offi ce marks venues at Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani
• Licensing and merchandising program and around Nairobi.
• Promotional gift items e following pages outline these and many other
• Branded items at site
essential contributions that the partners made to the