Page 215 - WU183.indd
P. 215
IAAF Branding, Look and Feel Access Points
e LOC was to create, in close co-operation with Scope:
IAAF and their marketing agents DENTSU/AMS, an
offi cial emblem, an offi cial mascot, offi cial poster e stadium was divided into 12 zones, which were
and an “Event Look” for the event, which would be used in defi ning of the accreditation.
subject to the fi nal approval of the IAAF and would - Access points were defi ned
become “offi cial” upon such approval.
Such Event Marks would be created in strict ac- Challenges:
cordance with the IAAF’s instructions in regard to
branding, which instructions are subject to change • Defi ning the access point was done late
• A fl oor map of the stadium was required and this
from time to time in accordance with the IAAF’s
also was done late.
rebranding processes, and the IAAF Brand and Style
• Knowledge of the defi ned access points were not
Manual. The Official Emblem should incorporate
well communicated.
a local element that the LOC would create and
• Security had a challenge understanding the areas
design, and which must be approved by the IAAF
despite the fact they were involved in defi ning the
and DENTSU. All costs of creation will be borne by
the OM.
Ambush Marketing
• A detailed fl oor plan of the stadium to be com-
Ambush Marketing” means any marketing or other
municated to the team early in advance
• A walk through to have knowledge of the areas
activity which intends to create an association with
should be carried out well in advance
the Event, but is undertaken or initiated by a party
• Access point should be labelled in advance, once
not authorized by the IAAF or DENTSU to promote
it is agreed by IAAF
an association with the Event. Examples of Ambush
Marketing include:
• Use of the Event Marks, whether in connection with Partners signages
products, services, advertising or otherwise
• Sale, sampling, display, promotion or distribution of
• Our sponsors were entitled to assigned booths at
products or promotional material at or near the Site
• Use or display of banners bearing any commercial the stadium.
recognition at or near the Site • Capacity of each booth is 250 seaters
• Ticket promotions (where tickets are given away in • VVIP and VIP areas were reserved for our special
games or quizzes) guests.
Mass distribution (particularly where such distribution • All our commercial partners entrances were well
is made free of charge) of commercially branded items labelled to assist the partners to locate their booths
at or near the Site easily
• Any marketing or promotional activities by a • A booth was reserved for the Veteran Athletes
Commercial Affi liate not authorised by the IAAF, OM • Private companies bought booths e.g Bio Medica,
or DENTSU Ministry of ICT, Scanad, Protel Studios etc.