Page 238 - WU183.indd
P. 238


                                                                     Non – Olympic sports mean sports not recognized
                       The event should be listed on the annual calen-  by the International Olympic Committee.
                       dar of activities of respective International Sports
                       Federation  Championships,YouthCommonwealthGa  International Olympic Committee means the
                       mes,AfricanChampionshipsandYouth Africa Games).   committee responsible for the organization of
                       Reward for national coaches is non - cumulative of   Olympic Games with its headquarters in Lausanne,
                       medals obtained by athletes/teams             Switzerland.

                       In case an athlete or a team has more than one   Olympic Games mean games organized under the
                       national coach, the reward will be equally shared   aegis of the International Olympic Committee every
                       among the national coaches.
                                                                     four years.

                                                                     Youth Olympic Games mean Games organized under
                                                                     the aegis of the International Olympic Committee
                       For the purpose of this scheme, terms used in this
                                                                     every four years for those aged below 18 years old.
                       booklet are defi ned below:
                                                                     World Championships mean competitions organized
                        Ministry of Youth and Sports or Ministry means the
                                                                     under the aegis of international sports federations.
                       Ministry to which responsibility for the subject of
                                                                     Sub-junior category means competitions reserved
                       sports is assigned.
                                                                     for athletes aged under 17 years of age and in accor-

                                                                     dance with specifi c regulations of an International
                       HLSU means the High Level Sports Unit to which re-
                                                                     Sports Federation.
                       sponsibility is assigned to recommend to the Ministry
                       the quantum of assistance to be provided to high
                       level athletes.
                                                                     vidual practices on his own either in a competition
                                                                     or Games, or as specifi ed in the seventh schedule of
                       High level athlete means an athlete who is perform-  “Individual Sport” means any sport which an indi-
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     the Sports Act.
                       ing in international competitions for Mauritius at
                       regional, continental, inter-continental and world
                                                                     “Team Sport” means any sport practiced by a group
                                                                     of players forming one team, either in a competition
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                       Coach means the National Coach designated by the
                                                                     or Games, or as specifi ed in the seventh schedule of
                                                                     the Sports Act.
                       National Sports Federation to prepare, train and
                       advise technically athletes and teams in interna-
                                                                     “Team Event” means any sport event where more
                       tional competitions.
                                                                     than one athlete assembles and competes together
                       National Sports Federation means an association   as a group.
                       referred to in section 4 of the Sports Act.
                       Olympic sports mean sports recognized by the   CJSOI Games/competitions means sports events
                       International Olympic Committee.              organized under the aegis of the “Commission de la
                                                                     Jeunesse et des Sports de l`Ocean  Indien”

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