Page 240 - WU183.indd
P. 240
Medical and Antidoping Successes
• e support given by the IAAF team, ADAK and LOC
Introduction staff .
• Outreach to over 1000 athletes in the village and over
he mandate of the Directorate of Medical 2000 Kenyans in the stadium including uniformed
Services and Anti-doping was to provide medi- personnel, athletes and the general public.
Tcal services and a doping control system in • e cooperation from athletes and their support per-
accordance with IAAF rules and regulations. sonnel.
• Sample collection process was well executed with any
unusual cases being dealt with promptly.
Scope of Work
• Sample collection and dispatch were fl awless
• Development of an anti-doping plan (testing & edu-
• Slow procurement and fi nance processes that sig-
cation outreach).
nifi cantly delayed acquisition of goods & services.
• Identification of the Doping Control Officers,
• Delayed renovation works also delayed our operations.
Chaperones & educators.
• Delayed and inadequate set up of tents e.g. the out-
• Re-training of the Sample Collection Personnel (SCPs)
reach tent at the stadium was blown off .
and simulations.
• Advise on the renovations of the doping control station
cially at KSMS which consistently denied staff meals.
and other areas in the stadium of interest.
• Delayed payment of suppliers and staff allowances.
• Requisition of doping control commodities, supplies
• The participants being juniors were experiencing
and services • Inadequate accommodation and meals for staff espe-
doping control process for the fi rst time hence some
• Setting up the Doping Control Station (DCS)
• Identification of appropriate venues for the anti-
doping outreach programs.
Language barriers.
During the event:
• Lack of proper coordination with other processes e.g.
medal awards causing delays.
• Daily planning, briefi ng and deployment
• Using of separate notification and doping control
• Participate in the design of the test distribution plan
• Set up outreach tents at the competition venue and forms. e SCPs are used to one form for both pro-
village. cesses.
• Education outreach to the athletes and Kenyan public. • Inadequate communication between teams.
• Doping control sample collection through ADAK
• Sample dispatch to the laboratory. Recommendations
Post event: • at IAAF ensures world wide education on the doping
control processes to all athletes prior to the event
• Return and inventory of equipment and supplies. • That SCPs should be appropriately accredited and
• Sample dispatch to the laboratory. kitted throughout the event.
• Final debrief of staff at the sample collection station • at SCPs should be well catered for in terms of meals,
• Report writing accommodation and transportation
• at adequate interpreters should be provided.
• at means of communication between teams should
be enhanced.
• at we build upon the experience gained by the •LOC
team in organizing future events.