Page 40 - WU183.indd
P. 40


                       Facility and Equipment Preparation               e following recommendations were
                       It was our responsibility to ensure the venue was
                       ready for the competition.    e guidance of the IAAF   •  Base design to change
                       Competition and Technical Delegates were necessary   •     e track surfaces to be removed
                       and valuable to the organisation.             •  Installation of new upper asphalt layer with correct
                         The spaces and working areas required for the   slopes and asphalt mix
                       competition operations specifi c to the event needed   •  Ensure IAAF Class 1 for the main competition track
                       to be designed and created.                     and at least Class 2 performance specifi cation for
                            e IAAF Technical Delegate was responsible for   While on the ground, he regularly engaged with the
                                                                       warm up track is achieved.
                       the fi nal decision on what was required for a specifi c
                       event and the location of each working area at the
                                                                     technical team, LOC engineers, equipment team
                         For stadium and other facilities which were already
                                                                     lead by technical manager and the Sports Kenya
                       in place, a survey was conducted prior to the event to
                                                                     Stadium personnel.
                       determine the remedial and necessary work upgrade.
                                                                       After completing the survey and making the re-
                         Prior to the Championships Deltatre made several
                                                                     ports he was to come back and supervise the laying
                       site visits to advise the LOC on their requirements.
                                                                     of the track, but Mondo engineers took over the role
                       All their infrastructure needs were provided.    ey
                                                                     at the implementation stages.
                       had almost the same requirements as Seiko, since
                                                                          ere were other important delegates from IAAF
                       they work as a team.    eir site visits were at the same
                                                                     and Technical Suppliers who made site visits and gave
                                                                     their input before the start of the Championships.
                       Heribert Hammes Role
                                                                     Seiko (IAAF Technical Suppliers)
                       Facilities Inspection and Survey Visit
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     Prior to the Championships the team from Seiko
                                                                     made several site visits to advise the LOC on their
                       Heribert Hammes, the Managing Director of Hammes
                                                                     requirements.    e team was led by Danny Hawkes
                       Consultancy based in Singapore, was engaged by the
                                                                     who was the event manager.
                       LOC upon being recommended by IAAF.
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                       Seiko requested and were provided with the fol-
                         He visited the facilities from 10th to 25th November
                                                                     lowing during the event:
                       2016 and did the following work:
                       a)  Service meetings with the LOC’s Technical Team
                                                                        for loading and unloading equipment.
                       b)  Topographic and dimensional survey on the tracks   a)  A spacious workshop with an access to the track
                          to meet IAAF performance specifi cation     b)  Storage area of approximately 100m² for stor-
                       c)  Laser survey                                 ing the empty crates, boxes and pallets that the
                       d)  Prepare civic works and BQ                   equipment were delivered in.
                       e)  Draft drawings                            c)  Timing and Photo-fi nish Operation Room.    is
                                                                        was the glass fronted working area overlooking
                          e consultant’s initial visit was primed for 3 days   the fi eld of competition adjacent to the fi nish line.
                       but due to fi ndings on the ground it was extended   A very good working space which was lockable.
                       for another 9 days.                                 e room contained the main timing computer

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