Page 45 - WU183.indd
P. 45
Long and light training venue was at Facility for Javelin row
Kenyatta University.
Two runways were constructed parallel to the
ere were two warm-up venues closer to the main straights located through the centre of the main
stadium, one for track and the other for fi eld events. track. ere were runways in either segment, the
e warm-up and training venues featured the fol- landing sectors in the grass area inside the track.
lowing: One facility was constructed at the warm-
up area. This should be upgraded for any future
• A 400m Mondo track (8 lanes) Championship. e slope needs to be adjusted.
• Two High Jump sites e layout of the Steeplechase Track was
• A Pole Vault site
• Two Long/Triple Jump sites
integrated within the 400m Track
• Two Shot Put sites
• One Discus/Hammer row site
e steeplechase track is integrated into the 400m
• A Javelin row site
track. A total of 5 hurdles were required and dis-
tributed at equal distances apart. One of the hurdles
e infi eld of the second warm-up venue at the lower
formed part of the water jump. e water jump was
fi eld was dedicated to the Long rows with adequate
permanently installed inside the Track. e Mondo
safety precautions and specifi c timetable.
installers relocated the water jump slightly to the
Next to the warm-up track there were temporary
right from its original position to conform to the
medical and physiotherapy tents.
IAAF standards.
Technical officials were always available at the
Since the water jump was inside the track remov-
training venues to assist teams and participants.
Technical officials made available Implements,
and end of the water jump bend the kerbs could be
equipment (hurdles, starting blocks) and relay batons able kerbs were installed so that at the beginning
were made available to athletes and coaches at the
offi cial training venue.
Venue Inspection
However, team offi cials were requested to leave
their national Identity card (ID) or accreditation card
as a security in ensuring they returned the imple- 1. ere were 3 key sites which the delegates visited.
ments and equipment. a) Kenyatta University.
Facility for Hammer and Discus row b) Warm-up Track
c) Main Competition Arena
e Discus and Hammer row facilities had a throw- 2. During construction, e Technical Committee
ing circle, a protective cage and a landing sector. had diffi culty in executing their duties because
Two facilities for both Hammer and Discus row contractors started work late.
were constructed, one in the main competition sta- 3. Kenyatta University: is was to be used as a facil-
dium near the 1500m start and one at the warm-up ity for training by athletes, however they athletes
fi eld. arrived when the facility was still under construc-
The third Hammer/Discus facility is to be con- tion, forcing them to relocate to Nyayo National
structed at Kenyatta University training track. Stadium as an alternative training and warm up
venue at the main stadium for teams that arrived