Page 103 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 103


                       •     ree Rings/Cordons of security agencies including   reported incidents were challenging due to the absence
                         specialized units at the venue as shown in the    of operational installed security support devices’ i.e.
                         Kasarani Stadium map indicated (1st , 2nd , & 3rd   CCTV cameras.
                         rings.)                                     •  In future to placing Police offi  cers in strategic positions
                       •  Security screening of all people entering the champion-  within the Stadium, completion of the installation of
                         ships Venue, Airport/ Hotels/Village was      CCTV cameras and the monitoring of the same from
                         carried out using Luggage Scanner, Walkthrough   the Police Integrated Command and Control Centre
                         Machines and frisking by handheld Metal detectors.   (IC3) would greatly assist the Police in identifying
                       •  Provision of personal security to IAAF President and   immediately the authors of theft cases.
                         other IAAF family members.                  •     e thefts that took place were opportunistic where
                       •  Provision of security during excursion visits to shop-  the perpetrators took advantage of the victims’ lack of
                                                                       guard over their valuable property. A proper security
                         ping malls and tourist sites.
                                                                       briefi ng to all visitors should be undertaken in future
                       Disaster Management Plan.
                                                                       where such an event takes place. A conspicuous notice
                                                                       be displayed which remind visitors to keep their valu-
                                                                       ables safely or to deposit such items in the hotel safe
                       •  A disaster management plan had been established.

                       Traffi  c Management Plan
                       •  Ensure control of traffi  c from the airport to the hotels/
                                                                     •  With the massive investments already made by both
                         village and to the venue of the event.
                                                                       the government of Kenya and the IAAF in renovating
                       •  Provision of adequate lead cars from the airport to the
                                                                       the stadium to Class 1 category, the facility is currently
                         venue, hotels and village.
                                                                       one of the vital and most important installation of the
                       •  Inspection of all hired vehicles and vetting of their driv-
                                                                       country which needs police presence all the times to
                         ers done.
                                                                       ensure no vandalism, theft and destruction occurs.
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       Other Security plan included, Training of offi  cers,
                                                                     •     e setting up of a Police station within the stadium
                                                                       was timely and appropriate and its operations guided
                       Communication, Establishments of Police Command
                                                                       under the sub headings given below;
                       Centers at Kasarani Stadium and KU respectively.
                       Enhancing security bases at JKIA, Windsor and Safari
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                       Park Hotels, KSMS, Kasarani View Park Hotels and   Roles and Responsibilities of Kasarani Stadium
                       all the visiting shopping malls.              Police
                       Challenges                                    •  Protect the MISC facility, equipment and installa-
                                                                       tions and control pilferage, destruction and disposal
                       •     e budget allocated to security was inadequate thus   of government owned property.
                         failed to procure its own Walkthrough Machines,   •  Determine whether counter-measures in place are
                         Baggage scanners, Hand held metal detectors, and   adequate and also develop procedural, programmatic
                         Walkie talkies meant for the main Venue and the KU   and physical security countermeasures.
                         Village. Extra eff orts were put in place to secure se-  •  Perform general police duties within the area of juris-
                         curity.                                       diction.
                       •  Upon receipt of each of the incident reports, neces-  •  Identify potential threats.
                         sary action and response was instituted. Most of the   •  Vandalism/Malicious damage to property.
                                                                     •    eft.
                                                                     •  Pilferage of government property.

                                                   ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 103
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