Page 98 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 98



                                                                     1.   Signage should be put up at least a week prior to
                                                                        the event as this can also facilitate recce’s con-
                                                                        ducted prior to the event.

                                                                     Equipment Transport

                                                                     IMG was tasked with ensuring that athletes equip-
                                                                     ment especially such as javelin and pole vaults. IMG
                                                                     was not charged with the responsibility of supervis-
                                                                     ing importation and re-exportation of any other
                                                                     materials and or equipment used for the event.

                                                                     What worked

                                                                     1.   Teams with the pole vaults used the same fl ight
                                                                        LH590 as it was one of the few flights with an
                                                                        aircraft that could carry the poles. This made
                                                                        it easy to plan for onward transportation to the
                                                                        athlete’s village at arrival.
                                                                        to have their equipment carried on the bus car-
                       IMG was tasked with ensuring the directional and
                       parking signage at the all the hotels and competition
                       venues were put up.                           2.   Most of the teams with equipment were fl exible
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       What worked
                                                                     1.      e plan was to have a dedicated closed 3tonne
                                                                        truck for carrying equipment this was never pro-
                       1.      e branding items were of good quality and were
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                        vided thus the transport team had to improvise
                          appropriately set up
                                                                        and use the car carriers of the buses provided.
                       2.      e signage was very clear and helped drivers
                                                                     2.   Athletes had manuals that clearly stated that pole
                          know their way around including their desig-
                                                                        vaults would be transported from the airport
                          nated parking areas
                                                                        to the vent stadium.    is was not actualized as
                       Challenges                                       there dedicated trucks for the equipment were
                                                                        not provided.
                       1.      ere were delays in putting up the signage due
                          to delays in procurement i.e. artwork and budget   Recommendation
                          approvals. Further delays were also caused by
                          denial to access in some areas i.e. KU was re-  1.   For equipment transport a logistics company with
                          stricted until the day right before competitions   ability to store the equipment within the airport
                          started                                       should have been contracted. This could have

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