Page 95 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 95


                       3.   A command and control center should have    condition for vehicles should be clearly outlined
                          been setup as per plan with the contact num-  in the service provider’s contract and strictly
                          bers clearly displayed at all accommodation and   adhered to.
                          games venues to ensure that all requests could be   9.   Engaging identifi ed institutions and fi rming up
                          logged in from a central location.            their deliverables should be completed at least
                       4.   A fl eet management system must be implement-  a month to the event to allow for mitigation for
                          ed. Further, it is recommended that the vehicle   any arising issues. E.g. Kenyatta University de-
                          provider and the fl eet management system pro-  clined to provide their buses for transport needs
                          vider are independent of each other to increase   a couple of days to the event and there was no
                          transparency.                                 time to contact another institution.
                       5.      e LOC directorate should play a policy making   10.  For such an event institutions such as NYS should
                          role rather than an operational role. In hindsight,
                                                                        be given a bigger scope in transportation as their
                          the secretariat should have taken the supervisory
                                                                        fl eet is clean and their drivers’ well disciplined.
                          role leaving the event manager and the vehicle
                                                                     Transport schedules
                          provider to handle the day to day operations.
                       6.   Vehicle provider Pewin should have had an orga-
                                                                     IMG took on the role of preparing all the schedules
                          nization chart to mirror each station of operation
                                                                     starting with airport arrivals.    e source of the in-
                          hence easing liaison with them.
                                                                     formation was the IAAF system it was noticed early
                       7.      e vehicle provider should be held to account to
                          deliver its mandate as outlined in its ToR’s with
                                                                     enough that information on the system changed day
                          stiff penalties for any default. This could have
                                                                     to day so IMG adjusted the scheduling to daily as
                                                                     to ensure changes were captured. Below are a few
                          ensured that the standard of vehicles presented
                          after procurement was in line with what was
                                                                     graphs showing the fluctuating number of arriv-
                                                                     als and departures every day. IMG also took on the
                          agreed prior to the event.
                                                                     role of the schedules to and from MISC which are
                       8.   For an event of such magnitude, elements such
                                                                     discussed later in this report.
                          a cap on the year of manufacture and minimum
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       EDITORIAL BOARD

                                                     ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 95
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