Page 92 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 92
2. Determine number of vehicles needed for • Volunteer team leaders could be entrusted to en-
the event: force the schedule.
IMG team worked with the transport directorate 4. Fueling plan:
to come up with the fi nal count of cars needed
for the event see table on appendix 2 also see e initial decision was that cars would be hired
Appendix 3 for the vehicle requirements for the on a dry rate. erefore, IMG team and the trans-
IAAF family. port directorate came up with a fueling plan,
taking the following into consideration:
• VIP luxury (Mercedes Benz) cars quantity re- • Cars would not be fueled with passengers on board.
quired- 2
• A tight fueling schedule would be followed.
• 25-33 seater Bus quantity required- 8
• ere would be enough vehicle capacity to ensure
• 55-62 seater bus quantity required- 68
travel schedules were not disrupted or guests in-
• 7 seater (Noah) quantity required- 42
• 9 seater (Hiace) quantity required- 28
• Fueling would be monitored to avoid pilferage
• Saloon cars quantity required- 82
• Buses would be fueled every second day while
• Panel Van for the medical team quantity required- 1
saloon cars would be fueled every third day.
• Motor bikes this were already being procured quan-
• Fueling routine would commence on Monday 10th
tity required- 4
July and run through to Tuesday 18th July 2017.
In light of the above, two methods were recom-
These vehicle numbers took into account the
mended subject to approval.
numbers of teams, guests as well as dedicated
cars and pool cars for the IAAF family. e fi nal
at the stadium from where fuel would be dispensed
tally also included buffers to take care of un-
at local pump prices. e pros herein being (i) that
scheduled requests as well as unplanned break • e fi rst method was to have a mobile fueling truck
cars would be fueled from within the stadium, (ii)
down of vehicles. e LOC took the role of select-
the fueling trucks would help in monitoring the
ing the service provider as well as ensuring the
amount of fuel dispensed hence cost control. e
vehicles were of the required standard.
fueling area was identifi ed in front of the aquatic
3. Transport schedules:
park gate. This area was selected due to ample
space for parking and Vehicle movement and its
distance from the main event. It was also recom-
With the vehicle tally as given above, IMG took up
the responsibility of preparing transport sched-
an assessment would be made for their Operation’s
ules. IMG built upon initial schedules prepared mended that when the fuel vendor was identifi ed,
in the transport plan and adjusted them to fit health, safety as well as fi re prevention standards.
requirements. e source of information in ad- However, this fi rst method was vetoed by NEMA
justing the schedules was the IAAF system and and Security personnel due to the risk of explosion.
the following assumptions in place: • The second method was to identify the fueling
stations adjacent to the Moi international Sports
• Cars would be provided as per stated requirements. Complex (MISC) or Kenyatta University. e sta-
• Drivers would work in shifts thus the cars would tions identifi es were Total ika rd., Shell ika rd.
be available all day and night. and National Oil adjacent to KU. e petrol sta-
• Ad-hoc requests would be handled by the control tions were to provide fueling cards for each vehicle,
center and that this control center had a system which would ensure that monitoring was done
that identifi ed unoccupied cars thus monitoring suffi ciently during and post event.
any extra capacity.