Page 97 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 97


                       What worked                                      this could have ensured that all changes are
                                                                        tracked and plans adjusted.
                       1.      e IAAF system served as a reliable source of   3.   Control Center and fl eet management are impera-
                          information and aptly guided the process of   tive to handle ad-hoc requests.     is also ensures
                          identifying the capacity required. Majority of   that the schedules can be followed as tightly as
                          the delegates ensured that their travel informa-  possible. It was observed that the ad-hoc requests
                          tion was updated and the changes were easy to   interfered with scheduled transport requests.
                          track as the system was checked daily.     4.   One source of information is necessary for
                       2.   Daily updates of the schedules shared with other   making the schedules work it was observed that
                          directorates helped organize daily routines es-  there was more than one source, causing un-
                                                                        necessary confl ict.
                          pecially for the protocol, security and transport   Fuel schedule
                       3.      e transport help desk set up at KU for the pur-
                          pose of taking in requests and information of
                                                                     A decision was already made to have cars on a dry
                          departure flight changes captured significant
                                                                     rate this was partly for the purpose of controlling
                          number of changes that were not in the system.
                                                                     fuel costs, as well as security consideration i.e. that
                          Information from the help desks served to ensure
                                                                     after cars were swept by security, there needed to
                          seamless transport logistics.
                                                                     be control of what went into the cars.
                                                                     What worked
                       1.   Despite having updated schedules in place, in a
                                                                     1. Nothing
                          few instances, vehicles were not available as per
                          schedule.    is was mainly caused by inadequate
                          vehicle supply by the service provider.
                       2.   Some teams failed to update their fl ight details
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     1.   There were constant complaints from drivers
                          on the system for example
                                                                        especially the bust/minibus drivers that their
                          a. Team Cyprus arrived a day earlier than they
                                                                        cars did not have fuel.    e complaints were to
                            were scheduled, arriving on 9th July as opposed
                                                                        an extent that some drivers declined requests to
                            to arriving on 10th July 2017 as indicated on the
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                        carry guests due to luck of fuel.
                                                                     2.   The fueling plan was also meant as a security
                          b. Team Namibia was scheduled to arrive on 5th July
                                                                        measure. However, since there was no control
                            but arrived on 10th July.
                          c. Team Vietnam was not on the arrival or departure   over where cars spent the night, this plan was
                            schedule yet they arrived on 11th July.     nullifi ed.
                                                                     3.      ere were two viable options given for fueling
                       Recommendations                                  none was taken up.    e directorate took in upon
                                                                        itself to do the fueling duty.
                       1.      e initial transport plan had provision for extra
                          vehicles at the airport, MISC and KU. However,   Recommendation
                          this was not actualized and caused a strain on
                          available resources. Plans and schedules can only   1.   Fueling plan should be followed and where op-
                          work if capacity is provided as per plan.     tions were vetoed, alternative plans should have
                       2.   Teams should be advised to always ensure that   been drawn up to ensure smooth operations.
                          their travel details are updated in the IAAF system

                                                     ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 97
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