Page 93 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 93
5. Signage: volunteer management at MISC, JKIA and KU;
and volunteers’ placement to all other stations
is involved harnessing an eff ective, clear, con- i.e. Safari park, Windsor and KSM
sistent and evocative brand portfolio for the IAAF
U18 championship. IMG was tasked with ensur- 9. Liaison with other directorates:
ing all traffi c signage i.e. directional and parking,
was printed and put up at KU, MISC Safari park, IMG took up the role of communicating trans-
Windsor and KSMS. IMG team went through the port plans to other directorates; there was daily
plan as developed by the directorate, visited all communication with the secretariat, protocol,
the sites and identifi ed all the points that needed accommodation and the security directorates.
to have signage. Further, IMG apprised the directorates of daily
schedules as well as taking in their requirement
6. Equipment Transport:
and any other updates pertaining to transport.
Transport Plan
IMG was responsible for ensuring that equipment
and materials were transported as per the plan.
e plan’s success was pegged on successful pro-
e plan was to have equipment e.g. pole vaults
curement of a car partner for vehicle supply, pro-
and javelin transported in a canter directly from
fessional drivers and a fleet management system
the airport to MISC.
that would make it possible to track the drivers and
7. Transport set up:
geo-fence the cars once the cars were swept by the
security team. e plan was also pegged on having
extra vehicle capacity from NYS and KU buses which
As entailed in the transport plan, the directorate
would provide transports for none athletes; veteran
required tents at three stations the JKIA airport,
athletes, performing school children, local technical
MISC and at KU. ese tents would serve as rest-
offi cials as well as volunteers. IMG did not take part
ing and refreshment points for the driver and
in procuring the car partner as the tendering process
volunteers. Set up was as follows:
was already under way before IMG was on boarded.
• Two tents setup at P2 and P6 (refer to appendix 4)
What worked
• Drivers resting area at Bishop square at KU
1. e NYS fl eet was properly managed by NYS
• Two tents set up at JKIA by Kenya Airport
2. NYS provided the extra capacity required and were
Authority (KAA)
IMG’s responsibility was to ensure that the setups at hand to fi ll the vacuum left when the partner’s
were done as per plan; MISC and KU tents were set drivers staged a strike as a result of their meals not
up while KAA failed to honor their commitment to being provided on two consecutive days
set up a tent at the airport. 3. Plans with the security agents worked well and they
were available to accompany the cars as well as
8. Volunteer management: conduct security sweeps on the cars
e LOC had recruited volunteers for the purpose Challenges
of providing a workforce during the champion-
ship. A total of 32 volunteers were assigned to the 1. In the days leading up to the championship, the
transport directorate. IMG took over the role of directorate was already behind schedule which