Page 90 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 90



                       What worked

                       •      e venue was appropriate for the 3000sqm estimate
                                                                        e championship was a success by all measures. It
                                                                     is also notable that all supporting events were seam-
                         required for setup                          Summary
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     lessly executed delivering entertainment, aesthetic
                       •      e dinner set up was excellent. Sarova were able to
                         setup various serving points to serve VIPs and athletes
                                                                     and functional value as expected.  However, a lot
                                                                     more could have been accomplished with ample
                       •      e dinner started on good time. All guests were ferried
                                                                     planning time, clear roles allocation, sustained com-
                         from Kasarani after the closing ceremony and were at
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                         the venue from 8.00pm
                                                                     munication and appreciation of each element’s con-
                                                                     tribution to the championship. One of the major
                       •   The event was well attended. Majority of Athletes,
                                                                     challenges within the hospitality & protocol direc-
                         Offi  cials and Volunteers attended the event.
                       •   Security secured the venue well: Following a meeting
                         with the OCPD, a security plan to secure the venue,   torate was that:
                         escort Athletes to and from the Hostels, Assist with   (i)   It operated without a central physical location
                         parking was implemented.                    (ii)      e directorate head failed to off er leadership to the
                       •      e entertainment procured suited the crowd.  overall team
                                                                     (iii)   Protocol components/duties built on by the day (iv)
                       Challenges                                        Limited work force.

                       •   Security brief on who could attend the dinner was       ese challenges meant that the directorate operated
                         fl awed therefore locking out some groups such as vol-  almost ad hoc throughout the championship without
                         unteers and suppliers with temporary passes.  continuous debrief sessions or a point of convergence
                       •      ere were no live stations as agreed in a meeting held   that could have ensured each member was suffi-
                         more than a month before the event, instead Sarova   ciently informed at all times. For any future events
                         Hotels served the usual buff et.             of a similar nature it would be prudent to adopt the
                                                                     recommendations stated herein.

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