Page 99 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 99


                          ensured that the equipment was professionally   Challenges
                          handled unlike how it was done. ( see pics below)
                       2.   Eff orts should be made to ensure that the trans-  1.   KAA failed to set up the tents at the airport
                          port plan, the athlete’s manual and actual opera-  and efforts to reach them on this were futile.
                          tions on the ground are in sync.              Volunteers stationed at the airport were forced
                                                                        to wait out in the open, on the corridors and in
                       Transport Set up                                 parked cars as the executed their duties. (see
                                                                        pictures below)
                       IMG was responsible for implementing tent require-  2.   Parking fees at the airport were not waived as
                       ments as spelt out in the initial transport plan. Prior   expected. Consequently, incurred fees were paid
                       arrangement had been made between the LOC trans-  3.   A central command centre was not provided as
                                                                        either by IMG staff , volunteers or drivers.
                       port department and KAA to (i) set up two tents at
                       the airport (ii) provide a designated parking area as
                                                                        per plan which was also to serve as a refresh-
                       well as (iii) passes in order to waive the parking fees
                                                                        ment point. Hence, there was no central meeting
                       at the airport.
                                                                        point for the transport volunteers, neither were
                                                                        refreshments availed.
                       What worked
                       1.   Tents were set up at KU bishop square and at the
                          P2 parking as requested
                                                                     1.   A central meeting point is essential to provide a
                       2.   A transport help desk was set up at MISC as re-
                                                                        converging point which ensures team members
                                                                        are well coordinated.
                       3.      e transport help desk set up at KU worked well
                                                                     2.      e setups need to be done as per the plan and
                          albeit for departures only as it was setup late.
                                                                        refreshments provided to ensure the volunteers
                       4.   Airport police were very cooperative and they
                                                                        and drivers are not spread about in search of food
                          designated a parking for the event cars
                                                                        and refreshments.
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       EDITORIAL BOARD

                                                    ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 99
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