Page 109 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 109


                          cials were accommodated in the following hotels:  pionship. IMG took over the role of volunteer
                       i.   Kenyatta University (Athletes Village)     management at the athlete’s village and the vari-
                       ii.   Safari Park Hotel & Casino                ous accommodation venues.
                       iii.  Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club
                       iv.  Kenya School of Monetary Studies         9.  Supervise Laundry services: Ahead of the
                                                                       IAAF U18 championship, the Local Organizing
                          IMG was charged with the responsibility of en-  Committee (LOC) sought a reputable company
                          suring that respective delegates were accom-  with the capacity and manpower to carry-out
                          modated according to where they had reserved.   a 24-hour laundry service for more than 2,000
                                                                       athletes, coaches as well as other relevant parties.
                       3.  Branding and Signage: This involved harness-  In this regard, IMG was tasked with supervising
                          ing an eff ective, clear, consistent and evocative
                                                                       the collection and drop off  athletes and offi  cials
                          brand portfolio for the IAAF U18 championship.
                                                                       laundry at the athlete’s village.
                          IMG was tasked with ensuring all IAAF materials
                                                                     10. Supervise Housekeeping and outdoor cleaning
                          were printed and placed at strategic places at the
                                                                       services: Cleaning of the common areas at the
                          event and the accommodation venues.
                                                                       accommodation venues by the procured clean-
                       4.  Accreditation centre set up: IMG was responsible
                                                                       ing service.
                          for ensuring the accreditation centre and LOC
                          fi nance offi  ce was set up and ready for use before
                                                                     11.  IAAF, teams and offi  cials communication: During
                                                                       the championships, the delegates received rel-
                          accreditation commenced.
                                                                       evant information about the event via the respec-
                       5.  Recreational Centre: It was the responsibility of
                                                                       tive hotel desks.
                          IMG to ensure that the entertainment centre was
                                                                     Athletes Village
                          set up for use for the athletes. The recreational
                          centre which was located at the athlete’s village
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     Kenyatta University also known as the Athletes vil-
                          in Common room 2 had comfortable lounge facili-
                          ties that engaged the athletes and offi  cials during
                                                                     lage was the proposed venue for hosting athletes
                          their stay.
                                                                     and offi  cials during World U18 championship. It has
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                       6.  Supervise provision of meals: IMG was responsible   6 hostels has a bed capacity of 2000 and success-
                                                                     fully hosted 1152 athletes and offi  cials at the Nyayo
                                                                     hostels during the championship.  In making sure
                          for ensuring meals were provided on time and also
                                                                     the athletes village operated smoothly, IMG was to
                          the dining facilities were clean and conducive. It
                          was also the responsibility of IMG to ensure that
                                                                       Prior to the teams’ arrival, it was of great impor-
                          the dining area was set up for use by the athletes.   transform Kenyatta University into a hotel set up.
                                                                     tance to put in place measures to ensure that the
                       7.  Supervise provision of medical services: As part   athletes village operation was seamless.
                          of the athlete’s village, medical services was a
                          requirement.  IMG was there in charge of ensur-  Process fl ow of Team’s arrival
                          ing that the medical providers were present at
                          the athlete’s village and were readily available to   Pre- Arrival
                          provide their services to the athletes and offi  cials
                          upon request.                              IMG did the following before arrival of teams:
                       8.  Volunteer management: LOC had recruited vol-  •  Exported all expected athletes & offi  cials details from
                          unteers for the purpose of the IAAF U18 cham-  the team system

                                                   ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 109
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