Page 110 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 110


                       •  Created a master list for the delegates based on their   desk they would then proceed to the accreditation
                         respective hotels.  (Appendix 1)              desk.
                       •  Communicated with the respective hotel contact per-  ii.  At the accreditation desk, the offi  cer’s in charge
                         sons and confi rmed their reservations.        would receive their passport identifi cation and
                       •  Consulted with the accommodation and transport LOC   take a picture of each member, after which the
                         director on the delegate airport transfer arrangements.   passes were printed and handed to each member
                            is was to ensure that both departments were working   respectively. Once the teams had received their
                         in sync to ensure seamless operations.        passes, they would also receive an information
                                                                       pack and gift bag which included an IAAF branded
                       Hotel arrival                                 What worked
                       Upon arrival of the athletes they would then proceed
                       to the accreditation centre before check in. However,

                                                                     1.     e accreditation process at Kenyatta University
                       this was dependent on their arrival time as accredi-
                       tation was open between 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. If
                                                                       was swift for the teams
                                                                     2.  The accommodation volunteer assigned to the
                       the teams arrived between that time periods, then
                       they would proceed to collect their accreditation.
                                                                       accreditation centre was reliable and they con-
                       However, if the teams arrived after 8.00 p.m. they
                                                                       sistently briefed the accommodation team on the
                                                                       athletes and teams arrival after accreditation
                       would collect their accreditation the following day
                                                                     3.     e service providers were able to secure their
                       after breakfast.
                                                                       passes from the KU accreditation centre
                       Check in process:

                       Once the teams arrived at the hotel lobby, their
                                                                      1.  Some service providers did not receive their ac-
                       team leader would check in all the team members   Challenges
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                       creditation because there was a delay in issuing
                       by signing them in and signing for their room keys.
                                                                       them.     is resulted in work being delayed and
                          e volunteers at the reception desks would then
                                                                       therefore we had to provide a supplementary list
                       assign the team members the room keys and have
                       a volunteer usher them to their respective rooms.
                                                                       of the service provider’s staff  to facilitate clearance
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                       to work at the athlete’s village.  Some of these
                       Accreditation Set up
                                                                       service providers included: Parapet cleaning ser-
                                                                       vices (cleaning service provider), Unique Loos
                       Accreditation for athletes, offi  cials and some service
                       providers and was done at Kenyatta University’s   (porta loos provider) , Platinum Plus Ltd (sound
                                                                       provider) , and DSTV(cable TV provider).
                       Business Students Centre.     ere were two offi  ces   2.     e accreditation centre was not set up on time
                       at the accreditation centre.                    and thus, this delayed in the accreditation pro-
                       i.      e fi nance offi  ce –    eir role was to receive pay-  3.     e volunteers that were allotted for accommoda-
                          ments from the athletes and offi  cials        tion did not have the right accreditation to access
                       ii.    e accreditation offi  ce – To process accreditation   the village.    is proved to be a challenge because
                          passes                                       as teams arrived we ended up not having enough
                                                                       volunteers to support with the check in process.
                          e accreditation process was as follows:         e accreditation pass for access of the athletes
                                                                       Village was number 12 and most of the athletes
                       i.      e teams would fi rst report to the LOC accom-  did not have that number on their passes.
                          modation and fi nance desk to ensure that they   4.  The special service passes did not have names
                          had made payments before they proceeded to the   or pictures and this meant anyone could use the
                          accreditation desk. Upon clearance by the fi nance   pass.

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