Page 153 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 153
There were claims that volunteers stationed at Challenges
the airport were receiving Ksh. 1000 daily meals
allowance. is led to all volunteers abandoning • For the fi rst two days no vehicles were available
their assigned posts and trying to get re-assigned to shuttle our visitors to training due to delays in
to JKIA and hence disrupting other scheduled procurement of a vehicle provider.
operations. • Deviation from the original plan of having buses
• e only time Kenyatta University had volunteers, spend the night at Kenyatta University resulted to
was during meal times. We had meal card requests buses getting late and arriving past the departure
of up to 20 volunteers, and after lunch none would times.
be around to help with operations. • Security was grossly disorganized on the first
• We experienced communication breakdowns with Daily Breakdowns
training days, to a point of not showing up.
some of the visitors at the transport area due to
language barrier.
• With close to no manpower we spent a lot of time
trying to do everyone’s job, as there were no avail-
5th July 2017: Poland being the only country to have
able personnel on the relevant departments. is
arrived, requested to be driven around the univer-
forced the available team to work 18-hour shifts.
sity and the complex, this was not possible, as the
transport department had not yet assigned shuttles
to Kenyatta University, and therefore we requested
the team to take a walk around the university toured
• The vetting process for volunteers should be
by a volunteer.
stricter and perhaps consideration for a higher
age bracket and rigorous training as this would
6th July 2017: With the exception of Poland, all
ensure dedication to appointed roles.
countries that arrived were recuperating and get-
• Set up of the transport workstation is paramount.
ting accredited, hence no need for training. e only
• Arrangements should be made to have a few key
request for transport out of Kenyatta University was
department representatives present at the trans-
Poland, to Kasarani Stadium. For the second suc-
port help desk i.e. Protocol, Languages, Medical
cessive day, Poland did not have transport to the
and Security as their roles often interlink.
training Complex and they threatened to walk out
Teams Training and use public means, after consultations we man-
aged to convince them to use the training facility at
Using information collected from the team leaders, Kenyatta University.
we were able to create training schedules specifi c to 7th July 2017: As promised to the team’s transport
the interested teams. ere were only a handful of vehicles were ready and on location by 1000hrs, and
teams so this was the only way to prevent wastage the teams set off to Kasarani Stadium accompanied
of resources. by a volunteer. However the teams could not train,
as the facility was not ready. is added to the list of
What Worked frustrations to our guests, especially the Polish team.
The idea to have each team submit their training 8th July 2017: e shuttles were available as from
timetable worked better as opposed to having buses 1000hrs, and we dispatched them after every hour,
roll out after every 30 minutes and yet most of the as there weren’t many teams interested on training
teams were recuperating and getting accreditation, just as yet. Teams were satisfi ed with the services,
and therefore had no need to leave the athletes vil- there were no special requests on this day. We walked
lage. around getting training schedules from each team’s